Silver Member
Hi Teresa. You're right you shouldn't have to explain yourself especially when you're quite happy to have your products and am not particularly tempted by what's on offer. I'll see how it goes tomorrow. Have just had a couple of eggs with veg and actually feel quite full now. I also have a couple of weeks off work soon so that will be another hurdle to overcome. I don't have any problems sticking to the diet at the weekends when I'm home but 2 whole weeks may be a tad more difficult as I'm hoping to catch up with friends and go out and about a bit. It's a lovely feeling tho when you thought a day was going to be difficult but you manage to keep on track isn't it. I'd love to have more time to read the diaries on here properly but tend to just grab a few mins here and there. I could do with life slowing down a bit to give me chance to catch up!. Hope your day has been good also J x
Good luck tomorrow Hun x yes I love the feeling of getting to the end of the day and thinking another day done! I have been keeping track on my calendar in the kitchen and have written how many day on it and then crossing them off it's a real motivator to me! Lucky you having two weeks off I wish my holiday was near but it's not till May but I am off to Canada to see family who I have not seen since Christmas 2011 so it will be interesting to see their reaction to my whole weight loss as I had only lost a couple of stone and now I am 7 stone lighter and hopefully by May at my goal of 11 stone or just under!
Yes had good day was a little disappointed with only 1lb off this week biped am over it now and hoping for a better loss next week!
Take care Hun x