New Year New Start New Me

Was trying on some clothes from my wardrobe of things I want to get back into and there is definite improvement - I c a slight change so that's encouragement to keep the ball rolling!! Whoop! :)
Going to bed at a sensible hour on a Saturday nite with all dailies used and only 11 weeklies left
I have had a fair bit of use for them these last few days as I've been off school - roll on next week and back to routine .... I guess that's what they r for on the weeks u have no outings to plan for!
12st5 on my own scales this morning ... Weighin in the morning suits me I think.... Now whether I can hold onto that Til Tuesday pm I am not sure... Had a nice brekkie this am

Weetabix with skimmed milk 4pp
WW bar 2pp

Not sure what I am eating for the rest of the day
I did a good shop incl chicken breasts and Ingres for fajitas... So might make them with some WW chips - if I do a good load up of veg n chicken instead of creams (sour guacamole salsa) I might have the same tomorrow for tea...

Anyone got recommendations on how to keep it WW friendly?!?!?
Ah dear - I do wonder why I let myself go over my points ... Had a grand day having decent brekkie of Weetabix snack of Ww bar 6pp
Lovely filling dinner of fajitas 11pp
And then spent the evening snacking
I used my remaining daily 9pp and 11pp weeklies
On eating rubbish Ww bar crisps caramel cake
(so 20pp on eating snacks!!!!)
And then proceeded to buy jellies and a milky way when I was in the shop to take me way over by I dunno how many points - each jelly is about 2pp I ate the pack and I don't know how many were in it or how many points a milky way is

I need a kick up the ass!!!
Pfffffff :(
Oh well at least by tracking I can see
Where I am going wrong....
Self sabotage :( 12st7 this am
Poop - and feeling bloaty and crap with it
Work to be done.....
Nyagh I prob shouldnta had that twix today
Why is this so hard - I want it to work
I know I need to cut the ****
But nice food is sooo comforting:(
Maybe because u see the s scales going down, u think that u can have that treat. I'm the same. Weight myself everyday. If there is a drop I kinda get it into my head that I can have a treat. If they go up then I think sod it, so I may as well have another treat. Maybe not weigh everyday.
Thanx Mitch u may have a
Point!!! But I am also feeling hungry these days like I want to EAT! Maybe I am snacking too much and would benefit from eating better quality..... Weigh in later this eve and I am more nervous than ever before - I want to maintain my weight loss and keep going down..... Am so afraid I won't have done that this week tho :(
What are complex carbs ?i will def try
I am drinking water... And am trying but will check it out!

Other news 1/2 lb off today - whoop
All going in right direction
Slow and steady is the way I hear!
They are your wholewheat stuff. Like pasta, rice, bread. Sweet potato is better than ur normal potatoes. They are low gi, so supposedly keep u fuller for longer.
The GI diet is similar to what ww is I have heard, in that they encourage you to eat brown rice etc. I lost 2 stone on GI, I maintained a long time too before I started putting it on. They tell you what your red, yellow and green foods are. Greens are free, eat what you like (so that's all the zero points stuff) yellow is the things you are allowed in moderation and a certain portion size of (so 40g pasta etc) and red is just no go! Like chocolate bars, peanut butter. It's simple to follow x
That's great info - for me it's the cooking - its such a big deal for one person - but I am making progress - from my old ways of a sandwich/baguette/bars/ biscuits to aka gully making effort to have a dinner - be it chicken with rice / Ww meal / whatever...
Today I had Ww chips mushy peas and fish fingers - it was simple but so lovely!!
Step by step!!
Well today was good
But still dipped into weeklies
But i had a few treats
Breakfast was 2 turkey sausages on toast 6pp
Snack WW bisc 2pp
Lunch soup 2pp
Snack WW digestive bisc 6pp
Dinner WW chips fish fingers mushy peas 11pp
Snack refreshers 3pp (I was at the theatre)
So 30pp used today....
I can't stope eating this evening :(
Still in my weeklies but it's a long way to tues
And there might be drinkers 2m nite! :S
So what did I have
Fried egg on Ww toast 3pp
4 cream crackers 4pp
Ww soup 2pp
Apple pie slml slice 5pp
Mocha 6pp
Ww chips fish fingers n peas 12pp
Ww tayto bars 8pp

38pp used
Thats all me dailies and 12 more weeklies used
Think I have about 25pp weeklies left
Haven't weighed self since Tuesday's official weigh in .... Am reallly fighting with myself not to stand on them to see how I am getting on.... Mind u I am also fighting with myself about getting up and doing housework!!!!
A pretty good day food wise yesterday
Had the most fab lunch out - I went for a salad that I would normally find torturous but it was really lovely and is sthg I have to have more of - even make myself!!

Breakfast: weetabix and milk 4pp
Lunch: warm sweet chili chicken salad 10pp
Dinner WW chicken curry 8pp
Snacks : WW bars hoolahoops 6pp

I felt really full yesterday too as I changed the times of eating breakfast was 10am when I got up but didn't have lunch Til about half 3!! And then my dinner was 8pm ... It really helped with the nibbles I normally have on a sat eve (every evening!)

I still haven't weighed myself
And I still have 22 weeklies left!