Hello you lovely people! Feel in a really good mood today, not sure why but I was last night too so much so that even Aaron noticed and you know what men are like with noticing things! I just feel really good about life at the moment, everything is exactly how I want it to be, all I need now is to start shifting lbs again when I get back from holiday!
So, only two days until holiday and things are all falling into place. You guys probably know I'm a bit of a planner, I like to be organised and have lists! Lists are getting ticked off nicely, bags are packed, travel insurance is booked, Aaron's present and cake are bought and ready in my hand luggage, arranged Aaron's dad to take us to the airport... all that's left to do now is confirm arrangements with Aaron's dad (we're there for tea tonight so will then), do photocopies of passports and insurance papers (I've got a printer that'll do that), check in online tomorrow and print boarding cards and do a bit of pampering - go and get my nails done, do my own toe nails etc. I have an online list on this website (dontforgetyourtoothbrush) which splits everything into in advance, 2 weeks before, 1 week before, 1 day before, night before and on the day... it's put pack bags on the 1 day before tab... ha the list maker obviously doesn't know me very well, it was done Saturday and even then that was only because it was when Aaron was here, I'd have rather do it even earlier... I'm a freak, yes I know!