But it's not talking about an actual god is it? It uses the word god but actually has no reference to any specific deity with the name God. And actually the thought that there's only one god is entirely your opinion and not something you can state as fact. YOU believe in God, it's a faith, a belief, you cannot prove it any more than a Muslim who believes I'm Allah or a Hindu that believes in multiple gods who would also say you're wrong, hopefully not quite so arrogantly though. Lots of people believe in a different type of god or multiple gods. The word god has far more meaning than just God, capitalise it and it means something completely different. I believe in God but personally I don't like religion or religious people on the whole because of the complete lack of tolerance and understanding that most have. As I said, I believe in God but I would never be arrogant enough to tell other people that their faith and beliefs are wrong, I can explain what I believe and why but actually anybody with any faith is just as justified in that specific faith as a person who believes in the Christian God is. At the end of the day, nobody has any proof either way about any type of of god, it all comes down to faith and belief and so if there's no hard cold facts then you cannot tell someone that you're right and they're wrong. You just can't.