New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

I need to research travel insurance too. I said no to theirs, said I'd look into different ones and come back to them if I wanted theirs.

I knew because my sister went a few years ago and my niece felt proud of the fact that she managed to sneak a note out! I'd completely forgotten though until the agent mentioned it.

I don't want to wait til August, I want to go noowwwww!!! I'm so impatient lol
You'll be surprised how quickly time flies past Caz! Look at the speed of January??? So, let's see, we've got Valentine's this month, your 1st year anniversary, Easter and spring holidays in March/April. May and June, working towards the end of term, projects, school trips? sports days etc etc, July tying up loose ends and serious holiday preparation..and then the countdown!!!!! ;)..see ? it will be here before you realise! hee hee ;)
This is true. It seems like an absolute age away but in reality it'll fly by and get here rather quickly! Thanks for the tip on the PO, I thought of them actually, will check them out. Just looked on moneysupermarket and there are policies for as little as £10 but I'd rather pay more for a decent policy with a decent company that doesn't have a £250 excess!
I used the AA for my insurance and my friend used the PO. Both were very similar prices for when we went to Egypt and they covered everything. :)

I don't know what I'm more excited about, your holiday countdown or all the lists you will be writing! :p
Thanks Squeezy, I'll take a look :)

Been chatting to Aaron about the holiday and he realised that the first day we're there is his birthday. He has asked me to not have them bring out a cake or anything cos he gets embarrassed. Would rather celebrate it quietly with just the two of us. So will make sure they don't do that. Will have to get him a present that I can take with us though.
I would feel the same as Aaron if I'm honest. I hate all that birthday surprise cake, everyone sing thing.
So do I really. Just feels... Awkward. I'd like a cake though so might arrange for one for just the two of us. Bring it out in our room or something. Have a feeling I'll struggle with presents this year! Especially if it's got to go in my suitcase lol
Maybe take some decorations with you. A happy birthday banner and some balloons, you could decorate your room when he pops out. Maybe get some happy birthday confetti to sprinkle on the bed.
That's about all I can come up with. That'll be nice I guess. Isn't like we can go choose a nice place for dinner cos it's all inclusive so we'll eat at the hotel. I'll do that, get him a nice present to take and then let him decide what we do for the day. That'll do!

Just done 20 minutes on my exercise ball using weights. Can feel it in my middle! Did a 10 min work out twice. Gonna try do it once 4-5 times a week. I don't want to lose weight and be flabby/saggy!!!
Oh. My. Goodness. SO full! Made chicken casserole in the slow cooker this morning - 125g chicken, 100g swede, 75g mushroom and 50g leek in 400ml veg bullion stock. I'm seriously so full my belly could explode! All of that for 230ish calories, made a massive bowl of it.


I feel like I'm learning so much on this diet by doing the protein meals. I've made casserole before but added in potatoes and chicken stock, meaning much higher calories as well as salt and carbs. I could happily eat that dinner on a normal non diet day!

Strawberry ice cream for pudding later :)
I've made a decision! If I hit goal before Tunisia (which I hopefully will!) I'm going to treat myself to a kindle. It'll be perfect to take on holiday with me, save some weight in my case so I don't have to take lots of books!

I've got a pot that I put my loose change in. Going to keep doing that and also put however much I lose each week in there. It'll go towards a kindle and holiday clothes!
I've made a decision! If I hit goal before Tunisia (which I hopefully will!) I'm going to treat myself to a kindle. It'll be perfect to take on holiday with me, save some weight in my case so I don't have to take lots of books!

I've got a pot that I put my loose change in. Going to keep doing that and also put however much I lose each week in there. It'll go towards a kindle and holiday clothes!

Awesome plan. I love my Kindle.
I've been umming and ahhing for ages. Seems an expensive luxury that I don't really need, perfect goal reward!

Done pretty well with water today. Had 2 litres plus around another 900ish ml in packs so definitely hit my target for today! Burned a few calories walking back and forth between the loo too!! Lol
I think that is a fabulous idea. I absolutely love my kindle fire. I thought the same, thinking it was a waste of time. I wouldn't be without it now. I love having access to thousands of books at the click of a button.
Fantastic idea Caz :)

I'm with you and Aaron and Squeezy on the birthday "surprise surprise!" cringe!!!!!!!!!!!!...Maybe some jewellery for Aaron, watch? pendant, earring (if he wears one?) engraved pen, special photo of you and him in a lovely frame? fave aftershave etc Just trying to think of something small enough to pack!
I had a cake brought out at a restaurant once. Was mortified, hate attention like that! Friends got severely scolded after lol

That's the difficult thing isn't it, something easy to pack. He has ears pierced but wears small tunnels so earring is no good. Watch would be a nice idea but he always wears his hrm one. He might still like it though, doesn't use the hrm much. Not sure I'd be any good at picking a men's watch though! After shave would work too!
Maybe I should just get him to choose his own present!