New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Isn't he just... until he sticks his claws in anyway!

Going to attempt a S&S roast today... might not work but I'll give it a go!!

Gotta give it a go!
Going to do a chicken breast in the oven with some garlic and herbs. Then chunks of suede with some fry light, try make them like roasties. Then some broccoli and cauliflower. Debating a tiny drizzle of gravy too!
Hopefully! All completely on plan. Except for the gravy, that's why I'm not sure about that bit. Maybe a tiny little bit though!
My Dad really makes this difficult sometimes! He knows I'm dieting, think he knows I'm doing this kind of diet, but he still offers me stuff. Asks if I want anything from the chip shop. Other day asked if I wanted any Indian and then asked if I was sure I didn't want a keema naan (my favourite) when I said no. Just now called up saying here having lamb shanks for dinner and asked if I want any. My mum will say I won't want any but he says to ask anyway. I'm going to have to talk to him I think and tell him not to offer me stuff. Don't want him to even though he isn't doing it to be mean or anything. It's just hard enough without adding in extra temptation!
My Dad really makes this difficult sometimes! He knows I'm dieting, think he knows I'm doing this kind of diet, but he still offers me stuff. Asks if I want anything from the chip shop. Other day asked if I wanted any Indian and then asked if I was sure I didn't want a keema naan (my favourite) when I said no. Just now called up saying here having lamb shanks for dinner and asked if I want any. My mum will say I won't want any but he says to ask anyway. I'm going to have to talk to him I think and tell him not to offer me stuff. Don't want him to even though he isn't doing it to be mean or anything. It's just hard enough without adding in extra temptation!

Yes, ask him to help you not tempt you.
Wednesday mornings Trisha.

Just spoke to my mum. She keeps telling him I'm dieting but hasn't told him I'm doing a diet like this. He only ever sees me doing my protein meal so that'll be why. Will have to have a word.
Roast worked.... it was amazing!!
Morning ladies.

Had my last sneaky peak on the scales this morning! I quite like weighing daily when I'm still trying to figure things out, kind of helps me know what's going on and what affects me. Over the weekend I decided to stick with protein meals but then to make sure I hit at least 2L a day, had 2.5L Saturday and 2L yesterday, plus water in packs. Judging by the scales this morning, that's what works for me. So the protein meals aren't a problem, it's the lack of water! Think me and Aaron are keeping protein meals just for weekends so it feels more like a treat and like we're doing something together but I'm not worried about having them now. Just need to keep working on the water!
Morning ladies.

Had my last sneaky peak on the scales this morning! I quite like weighing daily when I'm still trying to figure things out, kind of helps me know what's going on and what affects me. Over the weekend I decided to stick with protein meals but then to make sure I hit at least 2L a day, had 2.5L Saturday and 2L yesterday, plus water in packs. Judging by the scales this morning, that's what works for me. So the protein meals aren't a problem, it's the lack of water! Think me and Aaron are keeping protein meals just for weekends so it feels more like a treat and like we're doing something together but I'm not worried about having them now. Just need to keep working on the water!

Great news. I need to track my water.

I read of putting three thick rubber bands on your 1 liter bottle near the top -- then move one down or take it off -- every time you refill the bottle. When the bands are all moved or off (and the bottle is empty) -- you know you've drunk your minimum,
Morning ladies.

Had my last sneaky peak on the scales this morning! I quite like weighing daily when I'm still trying to figure things out, kind of helps me know what's going on and what affects me. Over the weekend I decided to stick with protein meals but then to make sure I hit at least 2L a day, had 2.5L Saturday and 2L yesterday, plus water in packs. Judging by the scales this morning, that's what works for me. So the protein meals aren't a problem, it's the lack of water! Think me and Aaron are keeping protein meals just for weekends so it feels more like a treat and like we're doing something together but I'm not worried about having them now. Just need to keep working on the water!

Me too Caz, I'm still struggling to get the water down
That's a good idea Mel. We've just got to keep trying Trisha!

Had a training day today and get lunch provided. I'd actually forgotten about it until first thing, realising it meant no microwave for lunch. Last time I had a chicken breast, done in the oven with no oil I checked, and salad. Figured I'd have the same again. Turned up to the cafeteria and what was on offer? Moussaka, chips, scampi, more chips, cheese and onion bake, even more chips, chilli con carne and jacket potatoes. Not one single option that I could have had. The salad stuff would have been lettuce and beetroot, that's it, as there was tuna but covered in mayo. Not one single healthy or light option, just big heavy meals and sandwiches. So popped down to Asda and managed to find a side salad and some cooked chicken, had to improvise and make my own salad. Did stand considering which would be the bet option in the cafeteria but then realised it was really just best of a bad bunch and I'd rather have had nothing, glad I didn't have any of it. Drunk 2 litres so far today, wonder if I could fit in another 1!
Thanks ladies :)

Mel has put me in the mood to watch Footloose. Going to get in bed and watch it and just shut the world away and relax! So tired!!!
That's a good idea Mel. We've just got to keep trying Trisha!

Had a training day today and get lunch provided. I'd actually forgotten about it until first thing, realising it meant no microwave for lunch. Last time I had a chicken breast, done in the oven with no oil I checked, and salad. Figured I'd have the same again. Turned up to the cafeteria and what was on offer? Moussaka, chips, scampi, more chips, cheese and onion bake, even more chips, chilli con carne and jacket potatoes. Not one single option that I could have had. The salad stuff would have been lettuce and beetroot, that's it, as there was tuna but covered in mayo. Not one single healthy or light option, just big heavy meals and sandwiches. So popped down to Asda and managed to find a side salad and some cooked chicken, had to improvise and make my own salad. Did stand considering which would be the bet option in the cafeteria but then realised it was really just best of a bad bunch and I'd rather have had nothing, glad I didn't have any of it. Drunk 2 litres so far today, wonder if I could fit in another 1!

Very very impressed. You did well... Nananananananananananananananana .. Gotta get footloose...
Oopsie! Woke up this morning thinking it was WI day, was all excited about making a loss official until I realised lol Hadn't been on the scales yet, going to leave that til tomorrow and just see how I do. I'll have done well to hit 2.5lb considering where I was mid week really, be happy with 3 or above though. We'll see! Going to keep working on the water, seems to be really helping.
I posted these over on Diva's diary but thought I'd post here. Not sure who has heard of Pinterest but I use it quite a bit, been finding different motivational pictures and adding them to my board. Definitely keeps me motivated! Here are some of my favourites..


And my all time favourite...

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Never again will I be really disappointed with a 1lb loss!!
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