Can't remember if I've already mentioned this, I don't think I have but sorry if I'm repeating myself!
Someone told me about these slimnming wraps which help you lose inches. I was quite skeptical but she spoke really highly of them, saying how her last one made her lose 3.5in from her stomach, which stays off. Did quite a bit of research i to them, there were good reviews and some really solid science behind them that explains how they work. It isn't that they dehydrate you because they actually encourage you to drink lots!
Anyway, I'll get to the point! I decided to give it a go, still a little skeptical, but it worked really well! It keeps working for up to 3 days but today, after 2, I'm down 11.5 inches from my lower, middle and upper stomach area! Did my thighs last night and down 2 inches already. Might do my arms, bum and chin next!
Some of the before and after photos are amazing! People have lost, and kept off, 2 dress sizes just from doing these wraps! They work by breaking down toxins and fat in these cells with a long name I can't remember lol That's why you need the water, to flush it out. Might do it every couple of weeks