New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

I hate it but I don't cry, just pout for a while haha I just start counting down til I see him again once he's gone lol Distance sucks though! Not being able to do anything in the week, can't make the most of Orange Wednesdays, can't see each other after a bad day, just limited to weekends.

I've found a fitness class thing where I live at the moment. This woman is a personal trainer and does a boxing and core class every Wednesday evening at 8.15pm. I think I'm going to give it a go but once I've lost some more weight and probably once I've finished S&S too. Probably a bit intense for a VLCD!
That's a good goal Caz, and definately with, it will keep you occupied on a 'missing Aaron' day! ;)

You are stronger than me Cax, I admire that..I was an emotional wreck each time I left..I had to rush to the ferry's toilets to hide and repair my tear stained face every week ha ha I did the same thing, counted down the days until Friday again..I was always so happy at work on a Friday :)
Aww bless you... and now you can't get rid of him!!

Aaron is still asleep! Woke up said hi, asked if I was ok and fell back to sleep again lol Going to wake him up soon, will be going home before not too long. Don't want to spend the whole day on here with him sleeping and then say bye lol
Happy Sunday Caz!

Is it difficult to wrap yourself? Sounds like a Halloween game: wrap your mummy race!

I asked because my friend gets paid extra for her lunchtime duties.

Wake him up -- tell him you don't want to waste bother minute of time you could be together.
It was a little awkward at first!

Alarm went off and woke Aaron up. Oh dear :p Will make sure he doesn't go back to sleep properly lol
Fabulous attitude about your little treat. You are absolutely right, it is not the end of the world to let yourself have something you fancy every once in a while. :)
Yup Aaron is wide awake :) We're watching Dexter atm. Going to cook Sunday roast in a bit and just chill til home time.

Decided to become a consultant for that wrap company, wasn't going to but a little extra cash would be handy!
Get 'someone' to wrap you..less awkward ;)

Hope the boy is wide awake now and ready to go make your breakfast/lunch? :)

Depends on who it is doing the wrapping and part is being wrapped! LOL
Haha well... Not sure what to say to that!
Haha I'm not sure if we want to know :p

We've had a lovely afternoon of chicken roast and Dexter. No wrapping! Lol
He's gone :( Really sad about that today! He kept laughing at me because I was sulking/pouting so much. Sometimes I don't mind him going, know I'll see him again soon. Other times I really don't want him to go!

I don't think I've mentioned it before but my school has a new website and I'm in charge of running all the class blogs. I did my blogging club on Thursday with half of the classes and got some good blogs, the website guy has uploaded them literally just as a word file though! I don't think our website is that great to be honest. It's extremely simple and, well, boring! I'm going to have a sit down chat with my head about it tomorrow. I know that I could make it far more interesting, I'm not going to faff with design, I don't have time, but the way it's organised is just, well, shocking considering how much we're paying the man I think. Will suggest that I'm happy to take over updating/running the website... as long as they let me have a certain amount of freedom to improve it! All improvements will be ok'ed by them obviously. It would be an hour or two of extra work each week probably but it'd look good on job applications!

Speaking of job applications... having to start them already! Got three more to apply for at the moment, which I'll do tonight, all very local to Aaron. Focusing on the Manchester area for now, if it hits April kind of time and I'm having no luck we'll have a chat and start looking elsewhere.
Ah romance. The things we do for love.
I'd better make the most of it before we get old and indifferent about each other haha
I'd better make the most of it before we get old and indifferent about each other haha

PMSL -- who says you have to be old to be indifferent.
Haha true! Will just have to make the most of it for now lol

So tired. Had a terrible nights sleep, worst in a long time. Hasn't been great this last month. Might consider taking my melatonin tablets for a bit. Got sleeping tablets to fall back on if need be. Bring on half term next week!
Haha true! Will just have to make the most of it for now lol

So tired. Had a terrible nights sleep, worst in a long time. Hasn't been great this last month. Might consider taking my melatonin tablets for a bit. Got sleeping tablets to fall back on if need be. Bring on half term next week!

I hope you get one rest and next week sails by smoothly.
I just hope next week doesn't go too quick as it's my half term and I don;t want to go back to work. Can understand why you've had a day off plan, I have too, well I've done 3 packs and protein meal I had been doing 4 packs but we went out forthe day today and I don't have any bars so had a salad in a pub, but I also had a spoonful (or two) of DH's sticky toffee pudding, but I only drank black coffee
I just hope next week doesn't go too quick as it's my half term and I don;t want to go back to work. Can understand why you've had a day off plan, I have too, well I've done 3 packs and protein meal I had been doing 4 packs but we went out forthe day today and I don't have any bars so had a salad in a pub, but I also had a spoonful (or two) of DH's sticky toffee pudding, but I only drank black coffee

Very reasonable. Will you get to London to see DD?