New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

A STS is probably quite good then really.

Been struggling so much the last few days. So could have given in and been worse this morning!
I know Caz, we just have to keep our eyes on the prize, and get back into it and not let one day off plan lead to another then another etc
Yeah, was determined not to let it turn into a week off!

To be honest, I'm really struggling at the moment. A couple of weeks ago I was so in the zone, this was the right thing for me, it was what I wanted and I enjoyed doing it. I had all the motivation in the world. Now? I'm fed up. Fed up of not being able to eat socially. Fed up of having 3 out of 4 meals a day out of a dehydrated food pack! Fed up of feeling hungry and tempted. Fed up of it all! I think I just need to get back into ketosis, over this gain and see a decent loss. Low-ish losses and a gain this week have just got me down a bit at the moment. Need to snap myself out of it. I can't give up on this. I need to lose weight, I want to lose weight!
Yeah, was determined not to let it turn into a week off!

To be honest, I'm really struggling at the moment. A couple of weeks ago I was so in the zone, this was the right thing for me, it was what I wanted and I enjoyed doing it. I had all the motivation in the world. Now? I'm fed up. Fed up of not being able to eat socially. Fed up of having 3 out of 4 meals a day out of a dehydrated food pack! Fed up of feeling hungry and tempted. Fed up of it all! I think I just need to get back into ketosis, over this gain and see a decent loss. Low-ish losses and a gain this week have just got me down a bit at the moment. Need to snap myself out of it. I can't give up on this. I need to lose weight, I want to lose weight!

Hugs x you can do it x
You are right Caz, and you do WANT to do it..that's half the battle already won!

A decent loss will start up the motivation again! I don't mean you should give up on it!!!!..but, maybe, it is not for you, as you (just like me) enjoy eating out socially? there are many 'diets' out there which allow you to eat out etc, but which one is the best?...oh decisions, decisions ;)...If you do decide to try another way, maybe just low cal with a weekend treat socially?..It might take a wee bit longer, but the weight will still come off hun?

Good luck, you will probably just slot back into the old positive thinking at next weigh in Caz..keep strong! :)
Thanks Jo :)

I'm considering my options Rose. Thing is, when I'm in the zone it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm just struggling to get back there at the moment. I've still got a lot of packs to use up so will keep going for at least another 4 weeks probably, which will take me up to our anniversary weekend in Blackpool. If I feel better by things and have some decent losses by then, I'll carry on. If not, I'll have to have a rethink and maybe go back to calorie counting again. Or slimming world. I know both work for me if I stick to it, it just won't be as quick like you said Rose. Depends what Aaron wants though too to an extent. We both need to follow the plan if it's S&S otherwise weekends will be impossible! Every time I struggle I;m going to try and imagine myself on the beach in August looking good!
Caz, we know vlcd work just need to get back into the zone, I know what diet I'm going to follow once I get closer, and to maintain - the 2 days on and 5 days off that has been in the mail this week. I've tried it before , Katycakes talked about it and Mel posted a link about it, ages ago, and it does work but it's a lot slower, which is why I'm waiting until I've lost more, I think it're more a lifestyle choice rather than one to lose weight,
Yeah, that's probably a good maintenance plan. I might try SW rules or Bob Harper's Skinny Rules sound good but manageable.

Peeked on the scales today and I'm already 1lb down from yesterday. Has given me a bit of a boost this morning, shown me that S&S really is worth sticking to. By the end of the weekend, when I'll be back in ketosis and the habit of it all, I should hopefully feel fine about it. Just trying to take it one day at a time and forget about the long journey ahead of me! Though was lying in bed this morning at about 5am and thought about where I am at the moment. 235lb is just 2 and a half stone away from being out of the 2 hundred somethings. That's not THAT far really, not with something like S&S. That felt like a massive step, I've never been 1 hundred and something lbs. I've never been lighter than I am! I remembered how people on the Biggest Loser feel when they reach a hundred bracket they've not seen in a while and thought about how amazing I'd feel finally seeing a 1 in front of my number and that's motivated me a bit. And then once I get there it's another 18lbs to goal, unless I get there and decide to lower my goal weight anyway lol So really, it's a lot to lose but it's not that much to lose that it's unachievable. If I stick with S&S it could be off in 4-5 months. Then it'll be time to hit the gym to tone up and get fit!

What's that? Ooh I think it's my mojo coming back, little by little lol I guess I can think about taking down these posters soon...

It's not all bad! Tried on a size 16 top I bought from ebay that arrived yesterday. Here it is...

Started off as a very tight 24 so very happy to fit into 16s! Hips/bum aren't a 16 though unfortunately!!
Oops here's the pic

Strap snapped on the new top while I was at work!!! :eek:
Oh no! looks so pretty..hope a quick fix with needle and cotton does the trick hun x ...You did have an emergency safety pin in your handbag..right? ;) )
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Love, love, love the top. You look gorgeous! :)

I don't think Caroline was ever a girl guide Rose. Always prepared!! I carry a little survival pack with me everywhere I go because I'm ridiculously sad, but if someone's strap broke around me I would indeed have a safety pin. Haha

Keep up the good work honey. You will get a fabulous loss on Wednesday that will put you back in the zone. You can do it. xxx
I've had a refund from the woman but will try to repair it. No pins in my bag but did pinch one from one of the first aid kits!

Looking good for a decent loss in Wednesday so mojo is starting yo creep back! Had a buffet at school today. Had planned to have chicken and salad or something but wasn't anything I could have. Was all things like sandwiches, quiche, wedges, bhajis and samosas so I sat and had my bar whilst everyone munched on it. Didn't really bother me much actually so must bring finding my mojo again!
Naww. My first ever rose!

Got me some nice flavored water as I can't have wine lol


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Morning ladies. I don't think any gents read my diary... but if you do, morning to you too lol

We're heading to a farm in South Yorkshire, about 45 minutes away from Aaron's. They've got baby piggies!!!! Clear blue sky and fairly warm out there so will be a lovely day out. Going to have a shake before we go and then take a bar with us, should get us through til we get home hopefully.

What has everyone else got planned for today?
Morning Caz, enjoy your day with Aaron and say hello to all the little 'babes' at the farm! :)

No definate plans here, but i suspect it will involve my hoover, duster and mop AGAIN! ;)