New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

No snow day but it was an ok day so that's alright :)

Forgot how difficult it can be getting back on to this diet. Done ok today, not had anything that I shouldn't but it's just... hard. Need to do it though and stick with it, as long as I do that it'll get easier and the weight will come off.

Wanting to go to London for the weekend in a few weeks to see people but not sure. Don't want to go off plan but I'd stay with friends or my sister so would be awkward!
Caz we'ew going to London for the weekend in a couple of weeks to visit DD , I won't be doing S&S but I will low carb.

Day 2 going ok but struggling with the water
I feel like I need to stick on track atm really, coming off plan and then getting back on is hard! Low carb probably won't be too easy to do when I won't be the one cooking. Why can't I be one of those people who can eat anything and not gain weight :( Fed up of being fat, fed up of having to diet, fed up of it all! But ignore me, I'm tired and am in a 'getting in ketosis' mood. I'll be ok in a few days!
I wish I was one of those people too. We wil be staying with DD - so low carb should be fairly easy, may take a couple of packs, and do 3 packs and a meal - I will see how I am doing by then and decide
Food's for wimps! Definitely over-rated LOL! It's a tough call -- while you want to stay focused and on plan, you don't want your diet to dictate your life, to the extent you don't see friends. I think it's best to think in terms of damage limitation. I would take shakes and bars so that is breakfast and lunch covered and then meat and veg in the evening. It's not so hard to say you are dieting and don't want potatoes maybe? But even if you did have whatever was going for dinner -- 2 outa 3 meals on plan ain't bad?
Lol food definitely isn't overrated, it's nice! Will decide a bit closer to the time but I can always go down in the summer when I'm at goal, would be easier then.

Feel really tired tonight, not sure why. Actually bordering on exhausted! Bit hungry too so probably get into bed and watch a film very soon. Will be 3rd day back on track tomorrow, should start getting easier then. I hope!
Lol food definitely isn't overrated, it's nice! Will decide a bit closer to the time but I can always go down in the summer when I'm at goal, would be easier then.

Feel really tired tonight, not sure why. Actually bordering on exhausted! Bit hungry too so probably get into bed and watch a film very soon. Will be 3rd day back on track tomorrow, should start getting easier then. I hope!

Yay, you! Going good, Caz!
Well done with sticking at it like that - you'll be over the worst of it tomorrow, and well and truly back on track. Big pat on the back!:clap:
Thanks ladies. These few days aren't worth going off track for!
Thanks trisha :)

Evening ladies. Very quiet on here at the moment!

My work trousers are getting ridiculous, having to pull them up too much and just looking terrible so had a sort out, only 1 pair still fit me and they're still not great! So went and bought two pairs today, one from a charity shop I happened to go into and one pair from Matalan. The charity shop ones (from M&S) don't fit! Didn't realise they were short not regular or long, as a 5ft 9 woman I can't get away with short! lol Anyone know someone that would benefit from a pair of size 18 trousers? The other ones are ok though. They'll do me for the next size or two probably. Bought a new set of underwear too, most is getting too big. Tried it on and I actually am a 38C, crazy considering not too long ago I was a 44B. No wonder they're slipping all over the place! lol

Money is running a bit low now though so have to be careful with my spending til pay day in 2 weeks. Have got money I transferred to save if I need it but shouldn't do as long as I'm sensible!

Day 3 back on S&S after the weekend and feel a lot better than I did yesterday thank god. Not so hungry and no headache. How are you other S&S girlies getting on?

Oh also! I had my end of term report from my mentor/deputy head today. As most of you know I didn't have a great term last term, was a good start but went down hill a bit towards the end though I did pass the term. I've struggled this term knowing whether I'm in the right job but I've worked bloody hard! Have really tried to be more organised, more proactive, stay on top of things, manage the class and behaviour better etc. and it seems that it's showed. I saw my mentor briefly and asked if she needed to see me this afternoon to go over it and she said she'd print it for me and let me look over it but that I've got nothing to worry about, they've seen massive improvements this term and are really happy with me. Had a look, glowing report! Phew!! Been worrying about it a lot actually, more than I think even I've realised. Been thinking of other things I could do if teaching didn't work out, not so much because I'm not sure whether it was right for me but because I was afraid I would fail!! So it's a massive relief, really pleased :D
Awesome, Caz. I never doubted you!!!
Well that's good because I most certainly did!!
Well that's good because I most certainly did!!

PLEEEEZZZZZ. Anyone who pays Duck, Duck, Goose with her kids is destined to be a legend -- wait for it -- dary teacher! ;)
Haha stuck in the mud too! Will do that more when it's a bit warmer.

Definitely feeling better today. 9pm and I'm only just having my last pack! Have scoffed it down long before this time any other day lol
Been weighing myself each morning, I know I said I wouldn't but at times like this it's really motivational. I'm not looking at this as week by week, it's day by day just to get through this tough start! So after a tough day, seeing a good loss on the scales helps me keep going, reminding me that it's worth it. I didn't really share my WI with you all, was a bit... well... terrible! On Monday morning I weighed 236.2 so had gained a massive 8.4lbs!!! By Weds WI I was down to 232, so officially a 4.2lb gain. To be honest, I'm find with that. We ate what we wanted all weekend, we bought each other an easter egg, we drank alcohol, everything was not conducive to S&S! So this morning, just 2 days later, I weigh 228.6, so I've dropped 3.6lb in two days and so really should be below the 227.8lb that I weighed the WI before going away by next WI. Feel like that really puts me back on track now, want to see actual losses instead of gain losses and so am excited that I should see one by Wednesday. Feel like that's really boosted me and given me the motivation I need to stick to it. I can do this! Mel... Trisha... you can do it too. Come on ladies!!

Urgh did I mention parents evening? Well I've got parents evening next week meaning I have to stay at school on Tuesday AND Wednesday until 7.30pm :sigh: So it'll be close to 9pm by the time that I get home, which is horrible! I made a S&S beef casserole last night and used the whole pack of beef and two packs of the veg so that it made up 4 portions. I'm going to have one tonight and then I'll take the other two with me on those days and have it for my lunch. There are a couple of free slots together on both days but knowing my luck if I relied on them I'd overrun and not get time to eat! That's the only thing about this diet, it can be a bit awkward if you're out and about but I'll take the casserole, a bar and a shake and shaker so I should be fine.

It's all so quiet without Rose and Squeezy. I don't like it!!
Hi Caz,

Have you thought about staying in an inexpensive motel like a Travelodge for the two nights -- rather than drive tired?