I haven't actually Mel, might be something to consider. Money is a bit tight though this month so I don't know. I have a friend not too far away, well closer than home, might speak to her too. I don't really like staying at people's houses though!
I don't really mind the gain night-owl. I know that it's mostly water weight and it soon comes off again. Slowly increasing the carbs just means I'll lose a little less each week in the run up so it's all the same in the end I think. I'll post my recipe for the S&S
casserole, it's my recipe but S&S friendly rather than an actual S&S recipe like CD do.
Glad to have you back my favourite squeezy friend! You can be forgiven for going AWOL.... this time!! How are you feeling?
Yay for Friday!! Nope, no Aaron this weekend. He's got some catching up to do with uni work so we're not seeing each other this weekend. I'm going to use the time to get my car fixed (bro in law is doing it), tidy my bedroom, sort through some clothes and get ahead with my planning a bit instead. I'll go up to his next weekend though, he has a 2 hour tutorial so can't come down here.
I drive over a river and past a marina every day on the way to and from work. There's always loads of narrow boats and barges docked up and it got me thinking. I really want to go away on one! I had a few days out and long weekends on them with the family as a kid and always loved them. So nice when the weather is nice, just travel along in the sun. Might look into it but can imagine it's pretty expensive now