New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

There is a way of taking a diet break and not gaining anything you know. It's all down to planning the break weeks in advance and going up the plans (increasing the carbs gradually) and back down again after. You can still lose on the higher plans. It's the sudden switch that gives you the big gain. Worth thinking about.
Fingers crossed for a loss! What's the S&S beef casserole? Is it minced beef? Do you use any packs like tomato soup in it?
There is a way of taking a diet break and not gaining anything you know. It's all down to planning the break weeks in advance and going up the plans (increasing the carbs gradually) and back down again after. You can still lose on the higher plans. It's the sudden switch that gives you the big gain. Worth thinking about.
Fingers crossed for a loss! What's the S&S beef casserole? Is it minced beef? Do you use any packs like tomato soup in it?

What do you mean by 'going up the plans'
I'm back!! Sorry for going AWOL.

I'm so pleased you have been given a motivational boost on the weigh loss front. It always spurs you on and restores your faith. I think you are doing brilliantly. :)

Fab news on the school report, we always knew you would be fab. :D

Are you seeing Aaron this weekend?
What do you mean by 'going up the plans'

That's Cambridge Diet speak, don't know if S&S have the same:
Cambridge Weight Plan: Programmes (6 Steps)

The point I was making, Caz, if you know you are going to have a celebratory weekend you add a meal the week before. Used to do this in the old days, don't know why I stopped, but the big switch hurts when the water gain is so high. I know it goes quickly but it can be avoided, that's all.
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That's Cambridge Diet speak, don't know if S&S have the same:
Cambridge Weight Plan: Programmes (6 Steps)

The point I was making, Caz, if you know you are going to have a celebratory weekend you add a meal the week before. Used to do this in the old days, don't know why I stopped, but the big switch hurts when the water gain is so high. I know it goes quickly but it can be avoided, that's all.

Ah right! No they don't-altho they have a refeed plan which I guess does a similar thing :)
I haven't actually Mel, might be something to consider. Money is a bit tight though this month so I don't know. I have a friend not too far away, well closer than home, might speak to her too. I don't really like staying at people's houses though!

I don't really mind the gain night-owl. I know that it's mostly water weight and it soon comes off again. Slowly increasing the carbs just means I'll lose a little less each week in the run up so it's all the same in the end I think. I'll post my recipe for the S&S
casserole, it's my recipe but S&S friendly rather than an actual S&S recipe like CD do.

Glad to have you back my favourite squeezy friend! You can be forgiven for going AWOL.... this time!! How are you feeling?

Yay for Friday!! Nope, no Aaron this weekend. He's got some catching up to do with uni work so we're not seeing each other this weekend. I'm going to use the time to get my car fixed (bro in law is doing it), tidy my bedroom, sort through some clothes and get ahead with my planning a bit instead. I'll go up to his next weekend though, he has a 2 hour tutorial so can't come down here.

I drive over a river and past a marina every day on the way to and from work. There's always loads of narrow boats and barges docked up and it got me thinking. I really want to go away on one! I had a few days out and long weekends on them with the family as a kid and always loved them. So nice when the weather is nice, just travel along in the sun. Might look into it but can imagine it's pretty expensive now:(
I've always wanted to do a narrow boat holiday. DH might go for that.
Just caught up with your posts - well done for getting back on track! There's something about this diet that makes it so much easier than when you try and get back on Exante or Cambridge - perhaps it's because the packs are nicer!

Glad you had a good time - personally I don't see the harm in having planned breaks as long as you are prepared for a gain and are strong enough to get right back on plan. And as you say, the gain isn't real gain - it's just water. I'm with you about not refeeding first - yes, it would minimise any gain but it means a few weeks of losing less. I'd rather take the hit for a week and then see it all come off the week after! :D
Narrow boats are amazing Mel, do it!!

Hi Nef :) Yeah that's my thinking. Not really bothered about a water gain as I know it'll soon be off again. I loved every last bite anyway haha I think for me it's easier to have the weekend or whatever the planned time is, nothing before, nothing after. That way it's easier to get my head back in the right frame of mind.
Well done on the loss Caz, how do you make the casserole and veg packs?

You have inspired me, not been 100% this week :( but no gain on the scales but only 1lb loss, but only to be expected.
Oops sorry I forgot to post it didn't I!

This made 4 servings.
410g pack of lean diced beef (Sainsbury's
2 x 450g of Sainsbury's casserole veg (diced swede, sliced leef, few carrots and sliced onion)
Extra few mushrooms
1 oxo cube
1 tsp of boullion
Boiling water

I just put in enough to fill my slow cooker enough to cover it all. Was tasty! Added some different herbs and stuff.
It's getting to that time of year where it's time to start looking for jobs again. I've been applying for a few, maybe 10 or so over the last month, but I've heard back from none of them :( I've worked on my personal statement quite a bit and it's got a slightly different format now. I don't support anyone is any good with personal statements specific for teaching? I really want a head, deputy or someone to look over it and let me know what they think but I don't know any! Other than the ones in my school and they're both so ridiculously busy at the moment that I don't feel that I can really ask them.

Going to my sister's this morning, my brother in law is fixing something on my car and then we're going to go into town I think, I need to return something I bought for my PC. Going to have a shake now before I leave and then take a bar so hopefully that'll keep me going. If we end up having lunch it'll be a pub of some sort so I can have a chicken salad. I don't think we will though, I'd rather save the money!
Hi Caz hope you're having a good weekend, I'm sure your current head or deputy will have a look at your personal statement for you
Evening Caz,

Is there a teacher (mentor) you could ask for guidance?
Thanks Trisha. My mentor is the deputy head who, at Easter, is taking over as acting Head and so it's all a bit mad at the moment. They're both really busy, out quite a lot and so don't feel like I can bother them with it.

Went to town with my sister and two nieces and lunch ended up being at a Chinese buffet! Did try and persuade them to go to the pub or subway but they didn't want to. I was sensible, no noodles, rice chips or bread stuff. Had some steamed beansprouts, crispy duck and pork (no pancake), one chicken and a little egg yung foo, chicken curry and pork in a plum sauce. It wasn't loads, I took a picture to show Aaron I'll upload it. Was a 6-7" plate and that's actually all I've had today as I've just not been hungry since. I should be ok, I think?
Well the verdict is in... I'm ok! No gain on the scales this morning, in fact slightly lower than yesterday. Phew!

Starting to notice my weight loss in things random little now, like I can pick up any towel from the cupboard and it'll wrap around me. No having to try and find the 'fat' towels!
Loving the towel NSV, that is one of my biggest pet peevs about being a fatty. Well done honey :) :)
Well the verdict is in... I'm ok! No gain on the scales this morning, in fact slightly lower than yesterday. Phew!

Starting to notice my weight loss in things random little now, like I can pick up any towel from the cupboard and it'll wrap around me. No having to try and find the 'fat' towels!

That is a good NSV.