New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

It's his grandad's today and nan's was on Thursday. I asked Aaron how old and he doesn't know, typical man lol

I have a couple of pairs of work trousers which fit OK, getting a little big. I've now got 3 pairs including the interview ones so that's plenty for work.
Ah, his grandad's was Weds and he was 78 and his nan is 77 today.

Outfit now sorted for Monday's interview. Black trousers, leopard print top with 3/4 sleeves, suit jacket/blazer with 3/4 sleeves and shoes that match my top. Brought some nice jewellery bits with me too. Feel like for teaching interviews it's important to show a bit of character as well as looking smart.
Arranged to see another flat when I get back. Little more expensive but only 400 with bills. Sharing with a guy my age, he owns the house, but he's hardly ever around because he works a lot. So the extra rent seems worth it for a really nice house that I'll have to myself most of the time. Only sharing with one and he owns the place, less likely to have issues!
Arranged to see another flat when I get back. Little more expensive but only 400 with bills. Sharing with a guy my age, he owns the house, but he's hardly ever around because he works a lot. So the extra rent seems worth it for a really nice house that I'll have to myself most of the time. Only sharing with one and he owns the place, less likely to have issues!

Sounds promising. :)
The interview outfit sounds smart Caz.

It's funny but I kept an old pair of black work trousers from when I was at my biggest, UK size 26 !! ( Always fancied doing the silly photo when someone has lost a ton of weight and they stand in one leg of the trousers, and there's still room for like two more people, lol !! )

Diva x
Evening Caz!

The outfit sounds ideal and I think you're right: teachers are "performers" a little personality is not a bad thing!

The interview outfit sounds smart Caz.

It's funny but I kept an old pair of black work trousers from when I was at my biggest, UK size 26 !! ( Always fancied doing the silly photo when someone has lost a ton of weight and they stand in one leg of the trousers, and there's still room for like two more people, lol !! )

Diva x

That's going to be a fab photo. I love that idea.
Morning all. Interview this morning at 9.45. I'm as prepared as I can be really so feeling as confident as I probably can. Slightly concerned that technology will fail me so that I can't do my PowerPoint though! If that happens I'll have to just give them their print out and talk without it up on the whiteboard or whatever. Should be OK but something like that would panic/throw me so hopefully won't have to.

Should weigh myself today but at Aaron's so will do it tomorrow.

Hope you've all had a good weekend, will catch up on diaries later.
Morning Caz!

Break a lead! (As in pencil, get it?). ;)

Morning all. Interview this morning at 9.45. I'm as prepared as I can be really so feeling as confident as I probably can. Slightly concerned that technology will fail me so that I can't do my PowerPoint though! If that happens I'll have to just give them their print out and talk without it up on the whiteboard or whatever. Should be OK but something like that would panic/throw me so hopefully won't have to.

Should weigh myself today but at Aaron's so will do it tomorrow.

Hope you've all had a good weekend, will catch up on diaries later.

Actually, if their technology fails and you are prepared, it'll make you look just that much more competent and capable! Hoping for the best with this.
All done now, did my presentation and then was interviewed by the head, a parent governor and the ks1 leader who were the ones who watched my presentation. It went ok I think. Just managed to fit my presentation in. Was able to answer their questions but whether they were good enough answers I don't know. They're interviewing today and tomorrow so lots of people by the sounds of it. Will find out on Wednesday. Don't think I'm going to get it, not sure why, just have a feeling.
Think positive thought hun..that job could have your name on it :)

Pleased it went well, I was about to wish you luck for the interview.. then realised it had been and gone :)

So good luck on the outcome! :)
I've always been told on the day as well, they're just chosen to do two days of interviews. Whether that's to spread them out or because there are so many I'm not sure, it's not a good sign though I don't think! There's only one question that Can think of anything I would have added to my answer for so I did the best I could. I'll just have to wait and see what happens I guess. Wednesday will seem like a very long wait!
Rose? Keep people out of mischief? Ha!! :p Plenty to do today and I'll be at school tomorrow so should be ok. I hate waiting though! Pretty sure I won't get it so for some reason feel quite peaceful rather than impatient, for a change! Have you decided what your plan is job wise Kate?
Yeah i think so! I think i am going to stay here and do another year (i do really like teaching at a college) and then I'm going to try and get a job somewhere very different to Preston.. maybe somewhere that gets a little sunshine? They have turned off the heating in my lab and my office for "summer" and its SO cold! brrrrr I have been looking at houses to buy and its all so tempting! BUT i do want to spend a year or so elsewhere!! I have been on the TES website though today and i am panicking that if i left id never get a job in the uk again! haha

You and I were at pretty much the same starting weight (i'm an inch shorter though) and i was wondering how long did it take you to notice a difference? I think i am just about in ketosis now! As I've only had a shake so far and i havent ripped anyone's head off in a hunger rage! haha
That sounds like a good plan. Where would you like to teach? That would be my concern too, think you'd have to do supply for at least a term when you got back so that you'd be around for interviews. I'm more panicking that I won't get a job in the UK for September even being here!

Err... I don't know really! Quite a while I think, in terms of clothes and stuff anyway. I think the bigger you are, the less you notice it to start. If you think, say you start at 18st and lost 1st, which is a lot, that's 5.5% of your body weight, which really isn't that much in the grand scheme of things. Get down to 15st and another 1st off is 6.7% of your body weight so it's a bit more noticeable. Also clothes sizes are strange. Between say a size 22 and 24, it's around 3inches in difference but a 14 down to a 12 is 1-1.25 inches so the bigger you are, the more you have to lose but only to start with! At my biggest I weighed 19st 13lb (well actually I was 21st at one point) and a size 24-26. I'm now 15st 13lb (plus a few lbs at the moment still probably!) and a size 16-18. So 4 stone down and I've dropped 4 sizes. Feels like I've still got a very, very long way to go though!
Here's what I wore today. I actually felt like I looked quite good! Jacket is a bit too big really, makes me have no shape around my waist!


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