New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Yay for breaking into the 15's, give or take a few! It's a great motivator bashing a barrier and seeing a new number.
Good luck for tomorrow. :scale:
Thanks :)

Had planned to do lots of lesson planning tonight but can't access the school system. Oh dear, what a shame... I'm taking that as a sign that I should just relax! :D
You look fabulous Caz. You can really see how far you have come weight loss wise. Proud of you :) xx
I even had matching leopard print shoes! :p

Well I wasn't really given an opportunity to form an opinion to be honest. They showed candidates round on Friday, when I couldn't make it, and I wasn't offered a tour today. So from what little I've seen, it looks like a decent school. Lots of ethnic minority children and a higher than average number of EAL children but think I'd be ok with that.
Evening Caz,

Here's what I wore today. I actually felt like I looked quite good! Jacket is a bit too big really, makes me have no shape around my waist!

You look fab. Wow what a change I've seen in you since your uni days with the evil roomies! I love the top and the matching shoes are perfect.

Thanks :)

Had planned to do lots of lesson planning tonight but can't access the school system. Oh dear, what a shame... I'm taking that as a sign that I should just relax! :D

It's a sign for sure.

I'm hoping that if the job is good then you get it. I think if you don't -- it's because there is something better for you,
Thanks Sarah :)

Ah evil roomies! Funny you mentioned them Mel, was thinking about it the other day. They really ruined sharing a house for me, put me off completely. I could live with great people, I have before, but worry about having an experience like that again. Let's hope not!

Hopefully it is a good school and I do get the job. I just want the security of knowing I've got a job for September and that it's permanent. Little reluctant to move for a temporary job for the year just in case I didn't find anything else so permanent would be best. I just want a job though, worried that I won't find anything!
Considering going to SW meetings but the one near me is run by a man and that puts me off... is that silly?!
I am considering it yeah. Either that or just calorie counting. I like SW as it's rules that you can follow for the rest of your life really, which I can imagine makes maintenance easier to some extent. Until I know whether I'm moving closer to school I can't really join a meeting anyway.

Speaking of moving closer to school, I'm going to look at 3 house shares today. The one I mentioned the other day has suddenly stopped replying so don't think that's happening. First house is 400 a month but it's a massive room and only a mile from school so on days that I don't have massive piles of books I could actually just walk to and from school - good exercise! Next one is 375 so a little cheaper but a few miles away, not sure what the room is like as there weren't any pictures. Then last one is 350 but but a half hour drive from school so would probably rather not live there. My mum reckons I won't be charged rent as they've not contacted them but can't risk a big bill in a month. Besides, though it's a big pain moving, it might be for the best - I'll save 2 hours a day, bit more independence and I won't smell smoky as both my parents smoke! I'd only pack and take the essentials anyway so not too big a hassle.
Morning Caz,

The sun is shining here! :D. I hope it is on you!

Don't they take into consideration your expenses (fuel, student loans, etc,) when they look at rent? Aldo, one woman in this area won the "extra room" tax thing by showing her house was the same size as the two bedrooms in her area (she had one okay bedroom and too tiny ones -- they had two okay bedrooms).

Considering going to SW meetings but the one near me is run by a man and that puts me off... is that silly?!

What about joining a meeting near work - there might be one with a reasonable start time. You could work in your room, go to the meeting, then go home.I did that when I was teaching - I went to a Thursday afternoon Weight Watchers meeting.
Slimming world sounds like a great idea, you seemed to get on with it last time. I totally get the man thing, I know it shouldn't matter but it does.

Have a good Tuesday my lovely. :) x
Never been to a class with a man in it, never mind leading it! Depends on how much he has lost. If he had lost loads I would probably be OK with that but have you checked out if there is WW in your area. Or better still, a Rosemary Conley class. I used to love RC as it was low-fat healthy eating and there was an aerobics session at the class so it felt like you were getting more for your money but there doesn't seem to be as many of them around unfortunately. Is it the weekly weigh-in you want particularly? As I think they all offer the eating plans online now.
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I was thinking that Mel, if I join one near school at a time where I could go after then it's not too bad. There's one on Wednesday at 5 but that's staff meeting day though would normally be done by then. Or Tuesday at 6, which is a little late if I don't move really. May try and go tomorrow. I think the accountability of a meeting would be good for me, that's my main thinking.

Been offered another interview today, the one that asked for references last week. He's travelling all the way down here to watch me teach a lesson on Tuesday 7th and then I have an interview there on Thursday 9th.