I'm here! Wi-fi is all sorted, it's just been pretty busy. The flat is all unpacked and sorted, lots of little touches now that are really making it feel like home. I've spent a fortune on all those little touches though, oops! Only issue we're having here is drying washing, now that it's cooled down it's taking so long that the washing is starting to smell a bit musty, or at least that's what's happened with half of the last load that hasn't dried since I washed it on Tuesday evening. The machine is a washer drier and we didn't want to dry in the machine to save electricity but I think we'll have to.
I've been in to school and started sorting things there, which was good. I started sorting things there into the places where I want them but the room is being decorated so I just hope the decorators put things back where they were or at least nearly back where they were so that it's easier to set up when I'm back from holiday, I'll only have a day. I'm really wishing I was home with my mum's sewing machine! I need to make some curtain type things to go across a couple of boxes that will have stuff stored under, just basically a piece of material with the hem with a gap for the curtain wire to go through, nothing fancy but still need a sewing machine for it! I want a few little bean bags too for our reading area, it's only a small area so only a couple and little ones as they're only 5/6 years old but all the ones I've seen are ridiculous prices. I can see that I'll end up spending a fortune!
Living with Aaron is going really well, no bust ups or anything... yet!

I do slightly feel like a 1950's housewife at the moment as i'm doing all the cooking, cleaning, washing etc. but I don't mind as I'm home all day, it gives me something to do. I cook and he washes up so it isn't like he doesn't do anything at all and we've both said that I'll start teaching him things like washing and cooking so that come September he can help and do things too. It's been nice though, nice to have our own place and spend more time together but also nice to be able to do that and also do our own thing as well. The best bit? No more M6!
It's his birthday soon so after a little help from Mel I decided to do 23 presents over 23 days in the run up to his 23rd birthday... here's his birthday tree!
Took him 10 minutes to spot it when he got home yesterday, the numpty! Talk about unobservant lol Yesterday was a pair of Star Wars boxers, today it's a little photo album with pictures of us that have memories attached to them but he hasn't opened that yet.
Ooh look at the time, I've got hair dye on so I better get it off before it turns green or something! Will catch up with the rest of the dairies in a bit.