New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Mmm blinis... haha

They were gorgeous, looked great, smelled great and probably tasted great too!

Beck today is about choosing a primary and back up diet. So....

Plan A is S&S all the way to goal, follow the refeed and then Slimming World rules for maintenance
Plan B, which hopefully I won't need, is to just follow Slimming World

I know that Slimming World works but I find the rigidness of S&S is possibly what I need at the moment. I also need the big losses in order to hit my goal weight before going on holiday! I considered a low carb Plan B but not sure I could really do it, I like carbs! Fruit is too high carb for me to consider low carb long term other than something like S&S really.
You're welcome.

Feel absolutely fed up tonight, awful mood. Might just take myself off to bed!
Boo to the cakes it's like our staffroom because there are so many staff it's always someones birthday.

Inset day tomorrow Boo again!! the head has ordered pasties for lunch :( but as I'm a veggie I'll be able to resist, although there will probably be cheese ones for us :( think I'll take a soup and decline them.
It's such a pain isn't it trisha? Thankfully we're pretty much one form entry and although we have a lot of TAs, we're still not a massive staff. Hope inset goes well today Trisha and you manage to avoid the pasties!

Just read Day 3 of the Beck book which is about eating sitting down. That's something I usually do, I don't often eat standing up but I think that's because it's S&S so there's not a lot of eating at all! Even before I'd snack a little standing up but wouldn't ever stand and eat cereal or anything like she said. I do eat two of my 'meals' in the car though - a shake on the way to work and a bar on the way back. I usually leave the house at 6.45am and don't get back until 6-7pm so I don't really have much choice in that. I can see what she's saying though even with that. The shake in the morning is fine, I like and enjoy that but the bar on the way home does seem to disappear very quickly and I'm left wanting more sometimes. Not sure what I can really do about it, it's not a massive issue right now but it's something to keep in mind when I get to goal and start eating properly again.

I really do rush my food though, I was saying this just the other day. Being a teacher my lunch hour never is actually an hour as there's always bits I have to do and so I always feel in such a rush. It means that unless I'm out eating dinner somewhere I tend to rush my food out of habit. That's something that I really want to work on at the moment, just slowing down, taking my time and enjoying what I've got. Think that's probably even more important when you're on a diet like S&S as there's not an awful lot to enjoy!!

Time to get to school *sigh* Only 2 more days til Easter though, yay!
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Morning Caz!

Morning Caz, I always enjoy reading your posts but guess what jumped out of your page this morning?..

"When I get to goal" :)

Not, if or maybe..but WHEN! :) :) :) :)

Brilliant attitude and so true! x
Morning Caz, I always enjoy reading your posts but guess what jumped out of your page this morning?..

"When I get to goal" :)

Not, if or maybe..but WHEN! :) :) :) :)

Brilliant attitude and so true! x

I spotted that too Rosie. Looks like our Caz is well on the road to being a successful skinny mini. :) :) :)
Oh I didn't even spot that! Do feel more like it's a when not an if now. The exact timing is if but will definitely get there, hopefully before holiday!

Trays of cakes left over from last night in the staffroom today. Why?! Not quite so bothered today at least.
Well done on resisting the cakes Caz, we've broken up for Easter now :D I'm having lunch out with a friend tomorrow so I'll have 3 packs and a meal (some sort of salad).
Hope you have a good day today Trisha.

Ah day 4 of Beck, I remember this day from before... it's not my easiest one. Giving myself credit and saying well done to myself aren't things that particularly come naturally to me. I don't take compliments well and I certainly don't ever really 'big myself up' so this is one that takes work for me but each day, when I post in my diary, I'm going to try and give myself credit for something.

So yesterday's credit...
- I was surrounded by amazing cakes and biscuits in the staff room at break and lunch time AND had to take my class to a chocolate cafe in the afternoon for a bit but ate nothing. I even bought two cakes to bring home for people and didn't even sniff them!
- I felt hungry last night and so I just had a very early night to avoid the temptation, I was tired too after a migraine so it was best to
- I've been reading my advantages response card when my alarm for it goes off, something I've never bothered to do before.
- I stayed 100% yesterday despite the hunger and temptation

Hopefully today will be a good S&S day too. The cakes are all gone so that'll help! There is going to be a big cake later as it's our head teacher's final day but I'll be able to avoid that ok, it's just normal cake and icing rather than amazing looking cupcakes and the like. Last day of term AND it's pay day... yay!! If I were seeing Aaron too it would be an absolutely perfect day :D Hope you all have a good day whatever your plans.
I'm impressed you resisted all the cakes Caz, I may have to dig my Beck book out I have it somewhere, but no idea where, we have been decluttering and packing some things away ready for getting the house on the market, and I think it may be in a box in the loft - I'll have to get DH to have a look at the weekend.

Are you seeing Aaron over Easter?
Hoe is the house going Trisha? Getting there?

Aaron is coming down today staying until Monday, he'll get here a bit after lunchtime probably. My later keeps inviting us round for dinner but we keep saying no because of being on S&S. Feel a bit bad so we've said yes we'll go tonight but we need a low carb dinner. She's doing either salmon or chicken and told me to tell her what we can have and she'll make sure it's ok. I've said I'll take swede so whatever she does with potatoes for them I'll for with swede for us. I prefer swede now anyway!

Tomorrow we're heading to a big town not too far away called Shrewsbury. I need to do some shopping for a few bits for school and I've booked to do a mystery shop at Nandos. Butterfly chicken (no skin) and salad... Yum!! Especially as it'll be free :p We talked about going to a farm on Monday but think it might be too cold for that really and Aaron wants to get back early-ish.

Considering changing my WI day but I'm not sure, you all know what a creature of habit I am! Part of me thinks a Saturday would be better -no rushing and it makes us stay on track on a Friday night. On the other hand I am a creature of habit and there's possibly too many variables for me to deal with! It means weighing at whatever time I wake up rather than specifically 5.45am. It also means weighing some weeks at my house and some weeks at Aaron's. Neither of those are really that big a deal though but it messes up having a routine!! Hmm decisions decisions!

It isn't official til Wednesday but.... You ladies know how much I was looking forward to seeing that number for the first time!! Eeee! It's so nice to be in the 15s, new territory which proves to myself that I can and will get to goal!! It really isn't a case of if, just when. I have to do it this time, less than 3st to go now. I can do this!!!
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It isn't official til Wednesday but.... You ladies know how much I was looking forward to seeing that number for the first time!! Eeee! It's so nice to be in the 15s, new territory which proves to myself that I can and will get to goal!! It really isn't a case of if, just when. I have to do it this time, less than 3st to go now. I can do this!!!

Awesomeness xx
Thanks ladies :) Weekends are a struggle for me to be honest. This has made me determined to stick to it this weekend so I don't see those 16s again!
Well done Caz!! So proud of you, you have worked so hard to get there.

I love shrewsbury. I have been a couple of times. Very pretty town.

Have a fab weekend honey :) xxx