Firstly, wow! Well done on your loss!
No, it's not a proper thing at all hun. I come out with some proper drivel sometimes. I was only being half serious tbh. It's a silly thing that's mean to gauge the 'perfect' shape 'supposedly' according to men. It's meant to be the ratio that's the sexiest.
I find it really silly but really intriguing at the same time. It would be cool to have that as a claim to fame lol

There are even online calculators you can use to work yours out, just like a bmi calculator! Crazy!
As for waist size, well that's a real health thing. I didn't know the exact figures though so have just looked it up.
The NHS page says for women anything over 31.5 inches means you have a 'higher risk of health problems' and anything over 34.5 inches means you're at an 'even higher risk'. Very scientific eh, not. I'm sure we can figure out that if you're over 31.5 is a risk then over 34.5 would be a higher risk. Or is that just me thinking that sounds really silly? I'd be chuffed with a 34.5 inch waist tbh!
They're talking about heart disease, diabetes type 2 and cancer. Apparently waist measurement is a more accurate way to assess risk as it's belly fat that's most dangerous...until they figure out something else for us to beat ourselves up over anyway.
When my dr got the tape measure out. It was actually colour coded! Starts out green, then goes orange, then red, then (if I remember right) a dramatic dark red. Thankfully I looked away but I suspect the tape near enough ran out!!
Waist measurement is the NHS's latest 'guidelines' on how to tell if we are at a 'healthy' weight, supposedly a better indicator than BMI. it makes sense in a way. All those athletes with a lot of muscle would be classed as obese using the BMI but I bet their waists are tiny. Also the slim people with obviously unhealthy beer bellies, or no muscle to speak of, that may not weigh all that much but still be at risk of health problems.
I don't know why they don't just measure body fat tbh.
I am taking my measurements purely to see them drop, it's fun lol. I do have the healthy measurements in my head but I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't get there. Surely 'any' reduction helps so that's where I am focussing for now.
Caz x
ETA! Just looked it up and the NHS DO look at hip waist ratio! Anything over 0.85 is a concern. Who knew!