Step 1 Sole Source Newbie - first day

Hi Ladies , hope your week ends going well for you all x x x x
Arrrrgggghhhh SO mad with myself I had about 5 teaspoons of my sons cottage pie at tea time :(( only on day 4 and already I have cheated :(

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I fell off the wagon yesterday too! I went to a BBQ all planned to have chicken and lettuce. And it was going so well. Until everyone was one me like "it's ok today won't count it won't matter, genre try this and this and this...."

It was mainly bad protein but there was some carb in there too. Feel stupid and terrible I did it and undone all my hard work. I was on the verge of ketosis too!

So Louise. You were as awful as me :(
So I've completely fallen off the wagon :( eaten whoever I have wanted since Thursday and I've put on 3 lbs so mad at myself that I couldn't even last a week!! Going to see my consultant today think I need a good talking to.

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stick with it louise xxxx