Hi Ladies - Susan, fantastic your through the 2 stone barrier. How many inches have you lost? must be 2 dress sizes? Big Congrats! Its a mental battle daily to get through this knowing its all going to be worthwhile. Im few weeks behind you two ( now week 5) but hanging in! Strangely - pre diet, convinced myself I didnt look too bad..HMMMM!!
Pleased DD had a lovely bday. What was her favourite gift?
Hi Jules, Im having a good week this week thks - weigh in tommorow so hoping for 3-4lbs. How about yourself? TBH I havent noticed any difference in the amount of weight lost when doing 2 shakes and a 250 cal dinner and just doing SS. I rotate 1 week of each but TBH Im so paranoid about over eating I probably have less than the 250cals ( Thai curry splurge was a one off). Im on my stepper now daily in 3 blasts of 20 minutes a time full throttle which is a total turnaround as it has sat in the garage for 3 years

I just want to be thin now and it cant come soon enough! These shakes have been a lifesaver.