Good Morning - hope you all had lovely weekends. No chance to catch up on the site this weekend busy being the family taxi driver both Sat and Sun!
Jules - fantastic loss this week Go You!!
Susan - Im 19lbs down in 5 weeks and would like another 3lb this week which is week 6. Determined not to be the fat Mum at the school Christmas concert this year

The stepper is taking a hammering every morning and every night and I can now actually see some shape forming in my otherwise sausage shape legs

this morning my dd cuddled me and then announce wow my arms can easily go round you

. Im going to try the ketosis stick this week out of curiosity.
Re your holiday wardrobe - not sure where u are going ( where are you going) at Xmas but if its warm you wont need very much ?? wonderful your clothes are too big must have felt amazing but then 17" is a huge downsize !! Id check all the internet sites as most have sale products.
Cant believe you are both sorted with christmas lists/pressies...I havent started yet gulp! Secretly hoping we will go away but as we have 3 weeks school holidays at Chinese New Year which is soon after christmas then its unlikely

Have either of you watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead? Watched it sat. night in bed - it has helped with this weeks resolve to stay on on track !!!