Hello everyone! Just wanted to say been following forums for a while now, so helpful on syn values, and eventually decided would be a Good Thing if I joined! Following SW from home, as can't drive to get to groups and they wouldn't let me join online as I have a kidney disease. They said that people with kidney diseases often lose weight so it skews the results ....... all I can say to that is, I wish! So ha!, to them, following them anyway. I have progressive MS too and find it difficult to exercise, so harder to lose weight due to low mobility. Finally decided to join as managed to lose the huge amount of half a stone but have now ground to a halt, so guessing I need more encouragement! Cooking is left to hb these days so that is a huge handicap to overcome haha, you will all probably be able to hear me yelling 'speed veg!' , at him for the ten millionth time this week, not often you see a grown woman begging on her knees for cabbage .... well, I would do if I could get up again from them . So throwing my lot in with you lovely people, hey, maybe I could get him to join too and then you could all joint me in yelling at him, bless him ........ ..... Lovely to meet you all and looking forward to posting.