Newbie to Xenical :)

you burn calories from just sitting down so yes its exercise :):)

You go and give em what for Jessica lol :):)
lol they dont like it when i'm disappointed in them :-0 it works much better then yelling and screaming at them (that would be the African way - or to beat them as well!!)
screaming at kids doesn't get you anywhere at all.....i'm glad they react like that with you thats respect !!!!

hope your having a good day otherwise :)
I do do a lot of walking around in the day time :) - even more now that I am more conscious about I am doing!

In my school they no longer do so, as my FH completely disagrees with it! (as do I)- but we still get the odd notes from the parents saying you should beat my child! - and i mean brutally beat with a cane its sad but it is also the culture we can only make a change with those who we work with. Teachers can be very mean to students in this school a good few have gotten fied because of it.
Thats great what you do hun, the poor kids who get beaten is terrible. Ireland where i am was the same with the nuns till not that long ago really. Its a cruel way to be but sometimes it would make you wonder as kids are so naughty nowadays, (not saying i agree with it at all) but it would just make you think when you see kids behave they way they do sometimes now!!
well its not that I disagree with a "spanking" i do disagree with a child being beat with a cane.(there is a biggg difference) my school you can discipline a child as you see fit as long as it isn't humiliating, demeaning or harmful to the Canada your not even allowed to keep a child in at recess or lunch time without parents on your I think it has gone from the "corporal punishment" side of things to no discipline at all in any Canadian schools because everyone is afraid of lawsuits.

the kids in my school are just wonderful - yes they are naughty at times - but their kids they live and learn with boundaries, consequences and love I am not sure how schools publicly beating kids or how parents beating their children show love!

we actually had a parent stand up in a pta meeting last weekend and say she's thinking of removing her child from our school because we have changed the policy on beating children and allowing teachers to disrespect them! - I was shocked - but Richard handled it very well :)
when I was in the junior school we used to get the slipper and cane then we would get it again at home....the 1 thing that came from it was we were good children after the 1st experience.....I learn't the hard way but appreciated it !!

But it sounds frightening Jessica thinking how the parents treat their kids there is a spanking and abuse very fine line !!
Good for you and Richard hats off to you both for standing your ground XX
exactly children will learn from appropriate punishment - not abuse.... it is scary some of the issues that I deal with here - and its even scarier dealing with the parents! - but I guess that is their culture the younger generation seems to be changing somewhat its the older ones that are just simply put abusive.
I think it doesnt do any harm to give your own child a smack on the hand if they do very wrong, but there is a difference in that and a beating! It really does go from one extent to another. My husband and his brother use to get a hurl across their ankles in school here!!

All kids are naughty at times, they are kids afterall and they are only learning, and we are there to teach them.
exactly and what do you think they are being tuaght by beating beat half to death - nothing - its no wonder they act up in school here every now and then.

my classes start with hugs :) - they are just so sweet
you sound like an amazing person jessica. Alot of people could learn from your ways :D

I totally agree , your a lovely person and may the children learn from you and realise that life isn't just about been shouted at or beaten...bless them :):)
I do hope they learn :) so far so good - they are so sweet the ones I teach are 8-12 so they are not that old....the ones I counsel are 5-12 so some of them are even younger then those I teach.

walking to school tomorrow because our driver didn't get home until 1 am last night and we thought it would be fair of us to allow him to sleep in a little this morning

shool is about 3/4 of a mile - so its not to bad

this afternoon driver will pick us up as we have some shopping to do!

Breakfast - Raisen Bran
Lunch - Fruit
Supper - I think I will do the stir fry I was going to do yesterday

Hope you all have a lovely day!!