Newbie with 4 stone to lose

That is excellent news about the hours Kimmi - I know it's a few months to wait but at least you know it will be happening and April will be here before you know it - everything is coming together so nicely for you! I'm also doing a mini challenge in the run up to xmas - seven pounds in seven weeks (started last week but not lost anything yet due to a carb heavy weekend away with the hubby - oops ) gives me something to aim for so hopefully we will both be lucky! Xx

Thanks Hun, Im thinking 2014 will be a very exciting year for us both!!! Seven pounds in seven weeks has a lovely ring to it and totally achievable for you!!! :) xx
Subscribing! Haven't read all your diary yet but it looks good.

I'm returning to low carb after losing three stone five years ago now on Atkins and then pig to twig.

Danced about with Sw and such like after putting on a stone when I met my man.

I need to retrain my brain again :)
Hi all!! All good here!! Good week so far, weighed in this morning as away this weekend. 2lb loss this week, had hoped for me but have lost the 2lbs I put on last week!!! 10lbs to go until I reach the 14s.... That will be a monumental moment for me!! I met my boyfriend when I was 14st 2 and felt fantastic!! I have a certain pair of jeans that I used to wear an can't wait to get back into them!!

Off to Liverpool to see family tomorrow... I've prepared myself stuffed peppers to take with me as everyone is having pizza tomorrow night!!

Have a wonderful weekend people x x x
Tremendous and well done on taking action to avoid the pizzas :)
Not having the best week :-( TOTM has come with a vengeance and I have a chest infection :-( feeling so rubbish and I'm not preparing or planning meals so eating all the wrong things! So annoyed with myself. I have a meal out at a Mexican on Friday and a wedding Saturday so this week is a nightmare!!! Xx
Weighed In This morning before this weekends events and I have lost a pound. Down to 15st 9. Quite happy as not in ketosis due to cough syrup etc and TOTM. Chest infection has now cleared but TOTM is still there with a vengeance!! I have. Meal out tonight and. Wedding tomorrow so going to have a couple of days off plan and then hit it again on Sunday. Hopefully TOTM will be gone too so I can get some energy back!! X
Hiya!! I'm still here!! I did regroup Sunday and had a good week but down in Bournemouth at the moment visiting friends. My friend is dieting too but on low calorie so put a lovely low cal bowl of pasta in front of me last night and home made soup today. I'm not strong enough to say sorry, I can't eat this!! It's all healthy an low cal but not low carb!!!

Anyway I'm heading home later and have no plans this week so going to have a super week- I really want to see those 14s for Christmas!!

This week I won a competition for a 4 night stay in bluestone national park in Wales!! It's the week after next and luckily we can both get the time off! What a treat :)

Hope you losers are still losing!! Will catch up with diaries later x x
My friend did exactly the same to me last week with low fat lasagne. Bless them :)
Congrats on winning the competition! Don't worry about the pasta n soup, just regroup again this Sunday/Monday and you'll be fine. I recently read about adding carbs every so often into your diet, seems to give people a kick start again. Maybe it will for you? Hope you had a lovely weekend at your friend's house and here's to losing what we can before crimbo! x
Well I'm back home from Bournemouth- the other half has the chest infection now!!!! Weighed in this morning at am still 15st 9. I'm ok with that as I have had bread and pasta etc. I would love to see those 14s for christmas but have so many christmas parties etc...... Yes I could be good and anti social but this is a way of life now and I will come off the diet........... I just need to make sure I get back on it!! So I should be able to have a good week this week, not much going on apart from us going to wales!!

Christmas decks up, christmas jumpers on :)


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Aaaaaaaaahhh I've gone off track and I'm finding it so hard to get back on!!! The chest infection has come back ( not sure it ever went properly) and I'm just feeling crappy. Due to going away on the weekend, 2 christmas parties this week and now being away I've just gone back to old eating habits :-( oh and drinking!!!! I've acknowledged it (1ststep) and will try and get back on today!!

We're now In Pembrokeshire, Wales at Bluestone. We have won a 3 night stay in a log cabin- all inclusive meals!! ( all inclusive...... How am I gonna do Atkins here!!) anyway enjoying our time together before the christmas stress begins!!

Well done ladies to sticking to it!!! Xxx
Oh wow that sounds fab. Thoroughly enjoy it.

If it were me, I'd still have the 'carby' veg, clear spirits and wine. I'd just avoid the processed stuff, sweets, pasta, bread and rice.

Drink loads of water too.

I've had a very sociable fortnight with booze and very little exercise. Believe me I'm no angel and still managed to lose five pounds.

Have a fab time :)