Newbie with 4 stone to lose

Thanks all- Definitely need to fit in a few more snacks! It's just a huge change to be thinking this way! I'm so used to starving myself or having very low fat food, that I think my mind set needs to change!! Just had a bit of cheese with two cherry toms to keep hunger at bay. I never felt hungry on the VLCD, funny how the more we eat the more we crave and want!!

Trying to plan for the weekend. I'm off camping to a local music festival with the bf and a group of friends. We don't usually take a gas stove, just take croissants, crisps etc to snack through the day and then get dinner from a van in the festival! Really not sure how I can maintain Atkins over the weekend without cooking anything or having a cooler to keep things cold!! The only thing I'm thinking is to take some of my VLCD products, so will be off Atkins but still low carb so hopefully keep in ketosis (if I'm there by then)!! There is a supermarket nearby so I could pop daily to by cooled chicken!!! Hmmm will have to think about this!!

Just watching fat- the fight of my life, making me think that I should try and introduce some
Exercise. I walk the dog daily but not enough to raise my heartbeat- maybe I'll start walking faster!!
And what's a MIM???? And how do I make one??

It's like a little muffin :)

I use a little rectangle plastic container.

Basic recipe
3 tablespoons flax
1/4 tspn baking powder
1 egg
Tablespoon butter for savoury or tablespoon coconut oil for sweet.

To that you can add cocoa powder, ginger powder, cinnamon - anything you fancy. I add a spoon of Splenda to sweeten it up.

For savoury, add cheese, garlic powder.... Sure you get the idea :)

Oh mix up dry ingredients, add in wet and mix well then nuke for a minute!
Thanks for all the info!! Well day three done, not feeling as hungry today so hopefully my body is getting to this new way of eating!
B- mushroom omelette 0g
L-sausage (high pork) with watercress, tomato, cucumber. 7g
D- chicken and ham in cream with leeks and broccoli. 12g

Quite surprised about the amount of carbs in broccoli and leeks. I'm just using up what we have and will then do a better shop next week- more spinach I think!!
Sounds like a very good menu to me - don't get too worried about the carb content of green leafies, enjoy them.

Apart from watercress - tell me the attraction! My one experience was like trying to shove elusive little leafy things in my gob when I was convinced they would be happier in the water...
I loooove watercress, I often used to it eat straight from the bag as a snack!!! Well a day off for me today so had a lovely lie In while the other half cooked breakfast: 2 sausages, 2 rashers of bacon, 2 eggs and mushrooms. It is so nice that I can eat the same meals as the other half, I really don't feel like I'm dieting! We live in Bristol and at the moment there are 80 gromit sculptures (Wallace and gromit) all around the city to raise money for the Bristol Children's Hospital. We have seen 42 so far and went off with the doggy today to find another 7!! We covered about 5 miles of walking with a diet coke and chicken paprika salad to finish- brilliant day!!

I'm planning of chicken with Philadelphia wrapped in bacon with spinach for tea-yummy!! Here's a pic of gromit and my doggy Maisy :)


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Love it, also love the idea of chicken stuffed with filly and covered in bacon! Yum! :D

Do you ever find chicken breast to be dry? A friend has a similar recipe (see below) the reason I mention it is I always find chicken breasts so dry, no matter if they're stuffed or just roasted, etc. But, because these are cooked in water and cream, they come out so tender and moist, and cause they're wrapped the contain the filling! Maybe something to consider!?

4 chicken breasts
Soft goats cheese
8 slices prosciutto (we usually get the cheap ones from Lidl!)
4 garlic cloves
Tub of cream (usually use Elmlea single cream)

Preheat oven to 180C.
Slice pocket into chicken and stuff with goats cheese.
Wrap in prosciutto and place in oven dish / casserole. Crush garlic into dish and add about a pint of water and 100ml cream. Cover in foil and cook for at least an hour (longer is better, to make it nice and soft).
Remove foil and add mozzarella on top, sprinkle with parmesan. Grill until slightly brown.

Brian usually puts wilted spinach into the sauce - very yummy combination!
Day 5 today for me, feeling good, feeling lighter but ketosis sticks suggest not quite there :-( A bit disappointed and i know they can be unreliable but I still get a motivation kick by a pink stick!!' Anyway, I've decided to way in tomorrow and make Fridays my weigh day, that should keep me motivated over the weekends hopefully!!

Busy busy day today at work and then home to sort out the camping stuff for the weekend. Also have all the family round tonight so have roast chickens in the oven as I type. No parsnips or potatoes for me, just chicken, sausage wrapped in bacon and some greens!!

Will update weight in the morning,,,,,,,, eek!!! Xx
Well 6lbs off for me, haven't done my measurements yet but plan to when I have a spare 10 mins!! Currently running around trying to pack for our camping weekend, still not sure what I'm going to eat all weekend as there's no shops and no electric hook up to keep cold stuff cold!!!
Well 6lbs off for me, haven't done my measurements yet but plan to when I have a spare 10 mins!! Currently running around trying to pack for our camping weekend, still not sure what I'm going to eat all weekend as there's no shops and no electric hook up to keep cold stuff cold!!!

Wow!!!!! Fantastic :) sure if you have lost all that the measurements are going go be good! Have fun camping :) Tesco have a ready to eat cold roast chicken on offer at the mo, do you have a cool box?
Well done Kim, fab first week loss! :D

Re camping food - you can have any cold meats, try with cheese or cream cheese for yummy roll ups. And yes indeedy to cold chicken.

Also my broccoli spinach cheesy casserole is nice cold :)
Hi folks, well I'm back from camping, very tired and very dirty!! It was a festival so no showers and no electric hook ups- had a good Friday diet wise but then it all went wrong Saturday- things in the cool box weren't very cool and the only options were fast food vans!! So off plan entirely but had and amaxing time! Back on it to motor, bet those 6 lbs are back on now!! X