Hi, while I respect what you are saying, it seems you have not quite read my exact regime and speculated that I will just lower calories and lose weight? I will in fact be cycling 10miles, 400 situps and 400 crunches along with my normal day to day activities. This will build muscle and burn additional fat. Coupled with a lowering of calories, I can definetly reduce my belly fat. I'm pretty sure that is the recommendation of almost every person on here? Excercise, plus watch what you eat = maintain/lose weight/tone up.
This Is being done on the advice from my family doc.
I do have a layer of fat that was previously not there, it's related to a laxed diet and less exercise than usual.
I'm definetly eating more than 2500 calories a day currently so reducing this can not be bad advice, I'm putting on abdominal weight, so loosing this can not be bad advice? However, this is not why I'm here? It's to get dietary advice not medical advice, I trust my doc and I respect her opinion as she is far more qualified than I.
Also, Im not at the bottom of a healthy BMI. I'm at 22 which is the middle (in fact closer to the top end) so I can safely drop to 18.5 / 19 and tone up my muscle at the same time.
I previously weighed in 54kg (as many of my martial art friends still do) and they are by no means loosing muscle or Ill etc? In fact they are built like athletes as many of them indeed are. However, due to a very active lifestyle, I have never dieted, I have always been able to eat whatever I desired and would Maintain my 54kg weight due to intense martial art training and fighting... Now I have stopped training, my weight increased but ONLY in my abdominal area, which is a concerne to all doctors, particularly with such a strong family history of diabetes.
If I were still Thai boxing like many of my friends still are, I'd still be 54kg like they are, so while I respect what you are saying, I don't think you are correct. As you yourself and others here state,each personal is individual and all shapes and sizes and just because a chart says I'm a health BMI doesn't mean I don't need to lose a few lbs for health reasons.
Im happy to drop to 55/56kg however, i was asking for dietry advice on the fastet way to lose weight by calorie counting as I would then couple this with a relatively active exercise regime and would trade fat for muscle and hopefully either reduce my weight around my abdominal area or trade it for muscle weight...
I will definetly not lose muscle dropping to 56kg? I was previously fighting competitions at 54kg 3yr ago and I can assure, I was in incredible shape then compared to new... In fact, I would say I have lost/less muscle now than I have ever had in my entire life, yet I weight more!
I can safely lose weight, gain muscle and tone up... But again... My question was based around how I can safely do this if the guide printed on this site says not to go below 1800, when already, it states my resting BMR plus low activity is lower than this 1800 figure @ 1780 ... Meaning if I eat 1800 I would technically gain weight, even though this is the lowest a man should ever eat??? You see the guide on here makes literally no sense, it doesn't work, it's completely and absolutely, categorically borked! And I'd rather second guess a broken guide one forum than my doc
Any way,
i have created a target, an excercise regime, a 1200/1400 diet and I'll lose apx 8lb a month doing this. I'm sure I will have traded the abdominal fat for muscle within 8 weeks.
Thanks gin and I'll keep you all updated with my progress
This Is being done on the advice from my family doc.
I do have a layer of fat that was previously not there, it's related to a laxed diet and less exercise than usual.
I'm definetly eating more than 2500 calories a day currently so reducing this can not be bad advice, I'm putting on abdominal weight, so loosing this can not be bad advice? However, this is not why I'm here? It's to get dietary advice not medical advice, I trust my doc and I respect her opinion as she is far more qualified than I.
Also, Im not at the bottom of a healthy BMI. I'm at 22 which is the middle (in fact closer to the top end) so I can safely drop to 18.5 / 19 and tone up my muscle at the same time.
I previously weighed in 54kg (as many of my martial art friends still do) and they are by no means loosing muscle or Ill etc? In fact they are built like athletes as many of them indeed are. However, due to a very active lifestyle, I have never dieted, I have always been able to eat whatever I desired and would Maintain my 54kg weight due to intense martial art training and fighting... Now I have stopped training, my weight increased but ONLY in my abdominal area, which is a concerne to all doctors, particularly with such a strong family history of diabetes.
If I were still Thai boxing like many of my friends still are, I'd still be 54kg like they are, so while I respect what you are saying, I don't think you are correct. As you yourself and others here state,each personal is individual and all shapes and sizes and just because a chart says I'm a health BMI doesn't mean I don't need to lose a few lbs for health reasons.
Im happy to drop to 55/56kg however, i was asking for dietry advice on the fastet way to lose weight by calorie counting as I would then couple this with a relatively active exercise regime and would trade fat for muscle and hopefully either reduce my weight around my abdominal area or trade it for muscle weight...
I will definetly not lose muscle dropping to 56kg? I was previously fighting competitions at 54kg 3yr ago and I can assure, I was in incredible shape then compared to new... In fact, I would say I have lost/less muscle now than I have ever had in my entire life, yet I weight more!
I can safely lose weight, gain muscle and tone up... But again... My question was based around how I can safely do this if the guide printed on this site says not to go below 1800, when already, it states my resting BMR plus low activity is lower than this 1800 figure @ 1780 ... Meaning if I eat 1800 I would technically gain weight, even though this is the lowest a man should ever eat??? You see the guide on here makes literally no sense, it doesn't work, it's completely and absolutely, categorically borked! And I'd rather second guess a broken guide one forum than my doc
Any way,
i have created a target, an excercise regime, a 1200/1400 diet and I'll lose apx 8lb a month doing this. I'm sure I will have traded the abdominal fat for muscle within 8 weeks.
Thanks gin and I'll keep you all updated with my progress