Hi claire thanks will bear it in mind only trying it for 1 week to see if scales move any better x
:) how has it gone today? X
Hiya, I'm just reading about cutting carbs. I was just wondering how this makes people feel? I feel dreadful, sick hungry grumpy tired. I just wondered if this is normal?

U can get something similar to flu symptoms the first few days it's normal and will usually post it's all to do with ketosis which means u will lose weight. I don't like the nasty taste in my mouth. Today didn't work out low carb for me today lol oops x
Don't feel hungry I never did it curbed my appetite but I ate plenty of fish meat and veg x but with ww we must stay in points why I'm still figuring how to do x
Hi the cutting carbs is going ok apart from really bad taste in mouth when i get up in the morning having fruit yog and boiled egg for breakfast ham/beef/tuna salad for lunch with 2 ryvita if i feel i need them and normal portion of carbs with evening meal with either meat/chicken and veg not really felt hungry and also trying to drink my water had 30 min bike ride each day as well x
Week 1 -2
Week 2 -0.5
Week 3 -0.5
Week 4 -0.5
Very consistent with my half pounds love to see a 1 x
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Fingers crossed! Didn't realise reducing carbs would give u a bad taste... :( xx
The bad taste is called ketosis ... its a high level of ketones in the blood .... usually caused by low carbohydrate diets .. its basically a high level of acids in the blood (i only know this because its common in diabetes) .. in laymans term, because you have no carbohydrate(or glucose) to break down in your body, it will break down your fat - this causes the level of acid in the blood to rise ..... your body will try its hardest to get rid of the acids by making you wee, itll come through in your breath as it enters your lungs to get rid ..... Just be suuuper careful, as your mimicing the atkins diet wen your eating such low carbs, its a fast way to loose weight but not good in the long term for your liver and kidneys xxxxxxx
you'll get 1+ this week Linda hope your well x
Hope it's going ok Boofle xx

Claire - u do learn something new every day :) thanks xx
Hi carly yes all going well hope the same with you been following your postings good luck with this weeks weigh in x
Hi Linda , yes hun I'm stickin to the plan (mostly) and been doin a few exercise's had a busy weekend so only gettin updated on everyone now enjoy your day x