nibbling my way thru the queasy!

ok, im asbo-lutely knackered so i only have a minute to say this one teeny weeny little thing...

it's official...

I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

((wow, that didnt take long at all! im quite surprised, really!))
ok, off to sleep, will write more later!

p.s. im doing ok as far as the weight regain goes. im still in that 10lb leway that i gave myself. but only just!!!! so i must really really keep on the healthy, low cal foods!

thanks so very much, sam!
((i hope all is well with you and're in a very tough position at the moment, i can tell. you will pull through at the right moment, hun. just keep trying!!))
Congratulations!!! :D :hug99:
Not too sure what happened then...
What I meant to say was,




oh my gawww! how embarrassing! ok i realized i was procrastinating on posting here, giving y'all an update...but goodness!!! last posting 3 weeks ago? i should be ashamed of myself!

well, all is going well on the prego front! i am in an early tired-stage...and i the queasiness has been present for a couple weeks now. not actually been sick yet...but i personally think just having nausea is worse. i'd rather get it over with, if ya know what i mean.

a week and a half ago, i had to go to the emergency after-hours gp at the hospital. ((nothing bebe related, the pain wasnt low enough in my abdomen)) ((i suspect i had a massive muscle strain for whatever reason..) anyways, because i am prego, they are obliged to book me for a scan to have a check, blah blah bah. i thought: ok cool, an early scan!! woohoo! wow, it was amazing to see a 6 week old little tadpole. ok ok ok so it was only a round blob on the screen, but i did get to see the heart fluttering away. ahhhH! sooo sweet.

so im in my 7th week now, still early days. there are loads of women that are pregnant right now as well...i mean, women around me. hehehe. most are at the stage of finding out what they are having. when i was pregnant with fynn, the percentage of prego friends having boys was oh so high! but this time around, seems everyone's having a girl! of course i dont mind what we get. but i will be finding out when that scan option comes along.

righty, i have to get in the shower with fynn...we have an appointment this morning with the eye specialist. he has a blocked tear duct and we've opted for a procedure. so today is pre-op assessment. anyways, i hope everyone is doing well!!!

paula, well done on your committment to get to goal! and sam!!!! i'm so pleased that you havent just keep on 'keeepin on' hun!!!! you'll get there, you know you will!!!! joining the gym is a great step in the positive direction.

((i'm still going to the gym as well...just takin it easy))

ok im going to be late now.
yall take care!!! xoxoxo
cheers, sam!
i can see that my eating is going a bit crazy. more so, tiny meals thru the day (i wouldnt even call them meals)...the nausea is at bay with a little something in my belly. going to the gym makes me feel better about my prego-eating , among other things.

i can feel i'm gaining some weight. i think that goes without saying. and i'm trying my hardest to avoid the whole "excuse for eating".
it is very difficult. One thing is for sure, i would feel sooo much worse about myself if i was at my largest, and prego again.

i can only hope that i can refrain from porkin out thru the entire 9 months....but 1 thing is for certain: my restart of CD/SS later on. woot woot.

anyways, again, im glad to hear everyone is doing well.
Hello Lady Dis,
Just a quick stop over, things are a bit crazy around here, so I will catch up with you big time at the weekend or early next week.

Hope that you're doing well, miss you loads!
Week 8, are you still feeling icky? Swimming would be really good as the weeks pass. Has your gym got a pool? Pop over to ours anytime!!!!

Love to you guys, speak soon
hi dis
so happy for you
will you find out what you are having or leaving it all till the end as a big suprise
i`m sure weight wise you`ll do fine as you know how hard it is to lose it all again
really cant wait to meet little bean
wishing you a very healthy and fast pregnancy