again this is a positive in that its making you feel this way, ie wanting to do something physical and when you feel up to it you can do it sweetie. I am really really proud of you sorry for typing within your text in another colour bt I didnt want to forget what I was going to say xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHmmm been a mixed bag today with positives and negatives.
Negative is that i had some chocolate but whats positive is that i had a normal sized twirl instead of a sharesize bag of something.
this is actually a positive. You saw the negative in it but I see (and Divster obviously did) the positve. You had choccie but in moderation whereas normally you would have much more
Negative is that i seem to have eaten a lot more during my meals although i haven't really eaten anything apart from my meals.
yep see your point her but and there is a but you are not grazing between meals
Positive is that not a drop of cola has passed my lips today, i don't even fancy it, slight negative is that i have started drinking ribena squash instead but i'm fairly sure its got to be healthier, no caffine for one and don't i no it, killer caffine withdrawel headache.
thats good and a huge step in the right direction
I feel funny today, like i need to do something physical but i'm coming down with something buggy and i can barely breathe so I can't do anything, stupid asthma. Think the only thing i could manage is swimming and that isn't happening.
hiya sweetheart I so know the feeling. If it were me I would do a weeny shop of basics, ie value eggs, pasta, rice, mushrooms (if you like them) ie you can throw together an omlette... also what about simple things like spaghetti or beans on toast, cheap bag of spuds from Tesco ie 5kg for £1.80ish and you can make jacket spuds??? xxxxxx