Well here is a link to some photo's!
Public Album
I hope the link works - I am sure you will let me know if you can't get in.
We are all doing well. Katie is getting used to life here, I can hardly believe she has been home for a week now, then sometimes it feels like she has been here for ages.
Ellie is trying her luck a bit at the moment - I am sure she will settle down soon, she is just trying to find out where she stands now.
Hope you like the photo's
Hello everyone - have not been around much as I have been busy, busy, busy.... my evenings are taken up seeing customers, sorting Katie, washing bottles, steralising bottles, expressing....
Those were the days, is she sleeping through the night yet ?
She is a wonderful little girl & it seems as if she has been part of our lives forever! Ellie has been so good with her, the only negative thing I can say is that she is a bit over enthusiastic when she cuddles & kisses Katie - but then I have to remind myself that she is two & a half so what do I expect.
Bless her, they really have no understanding of how heavy handed they are.....great that she feels loving towards her sister.
When the health visitor came to check Katie she was talking to me about Ellie & said how well she was doing with her talking etc. It was great to hear it coming from a professional. We know she is doing well...but always good to hear.
Wow thats great, you can always tell when parents talk a lot to there children...well done on such a well mannered and happy toddler.
Got to go got a nappy to change!
Poaaarrr thats what the smell is.