Discover Nicola's 2012 'Get me to goal' diary !

Lost 0.5lb, absolute joke :cry::mad:

I stick to my points religiously
I walk my dogs 3/4 times a week for 20-30mins a time

So why the hell have i only lost half a pound!!!!

I'm moving in this weekend so not going to be on here much, probably for the best so it can give me chance to think about what i want to do, i need to kickstart my weight loss again, try another diet, maybe Cambridge??

I feel like total rubbish now :cry:, a big fat massive hefferlump :mad::mad::mad: i hate myself for letting me get like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and as if im gonna reach my june target of losing 10lb!! AS IF!!! ive only lost 5lb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hug99:awwww mate so sorry you feel this way :( you have achieved so much, and 1/2 lb is still a loss. the ideal loss is 1 - 2 lbs so you are still doing great. You have obviously been really active, which could easily explain why the loss is less than you had hoped for. I spent 3 weeks staying the same and didnt think id done anything differently, its just our freaky bodies acting up a bit.

Please keep your chin up, you have a lot to feel proud of, and you DID lose some this week...

Have you measured? you may be surprised doll....

Dont be so hard on yourself, you really are doing fab. Im always here if you want to vent, anytime..if you hadnt already noticed im pretty much on here 24/7! :character00148:

I dont know how other people feel about it, but my honest opinion about "diets" like cambridge is that its just a quick fix, its not good for the body and as soon as you stop you will put all the weight back on and more besides. WW is a slow process, but its a healthy way of eating and it does work....might take a while and at times you wanna quit, but its a way of life, not a diet...dont give up chick :)
Don't be loosing hope hunnie, a loss is a loss in my books:) I bet next week you'll have a big loss and laugh at yourself this week hun. Also, you'll be building muscle with your exercise and that weighs more. I'm going to start exercising this week as haven't done any, bet I'll not loose anywhere near as much. Chin up pet:) your such a superstar for getting this far!! I only hope I can get to your stage on my journey big hugs Xx
A loss is a loss is a loss! That's 5lb in the last 3 weeks! Believe me, when you reach your goal you wont care a jot how you got there. Every loss means you are getting closer and closer!

Hey sweety!!! Congratulations on you loss, you are doing soo well and you're such an inspiration!! You have lost loads of weight so far and doing fantastic! I bet next week you will find you lose quite a bit of weight, it happens to me a lot one week I lose only 0.5 and then the next 3, the body is annoying and does these silly things to us sometimes!! Are you eating all your points? I know you say you like to save some for the weekend but maybe trying eating a bit more in the week next week, or your body might be hanging on it.
Dinx is right, the quick fixes are no good!! Perhaps you could start going to a meeting?? Hope you're ok my lovely, have a lovely evening!! Treat yourself, you deserve it :) xxxx
Hi darling! I kno u feel cacky but 5lb in a month is great! At least it's going in the right direction ;) keep up the work and it will show next week ;) x
2 Crumpets with flora light and marmite - 3pts

Sainsburys Egg & Potato salad - 4pts
Blueberry Yoghurt - 2.5pts
Apple and Cinnemon Muffin Bar - 2pts

Heinz Spaghetti Bolognaise - 2.5pts
Cheese - 1pts
2 x Slice bread with flora light - 3pts

Skips - 1.5pts
Walnut chocolate bar - 2.5pts

Total - 22pts
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Hope you had a lovely weekend chick and are all settled in:) glad to see you back! Xx
Hey hun!! Hope you had a lovely weekend :) Are you fully moved in your new pad now? xx
Looks yummy! How's the move? X
Hey, the move to be honest is moving from one disaster to many problems and things not sorted out have really set us back and i am seriously reconsidering if i do want to stay there, my name isnt on the tenancy agreement, just my boyfriends so i refuse to sign it until my name is on there, we were promised several things that arent there e.g blinds, sofa etc which we were counting on, and the window in the kitchen is broken which the LL says he wont be fixing until we have signed the contract.

Just dont know what to do :(
dont sign ANYTHING until you are happy with it mate...the landlords have a responsibilty to make sure that everything is the way it should be. Are you going thru an agency? if so speak to them...and if not, then speak to the cab and tell the landlord what you are doing. if its rented out as unfurnished then he doesnt HAVE to put things in, even if he said he would...but if its rented as part furnished he has a legal obligation to provide some bits. Hope you get it sorted....and hope ya doing ok otherwise :D
dont sign ANYTHING until you are happy with it mate...the landlords have a responsibilty to make sure that everything is the way it should be. Are you going thru an agency? if so speak to them...and if not, then speak to the cab and tell the landlord what you are doing. if its rented out as unfurnished then he doesnt HAVE to put things in, even if he said he would...but if its rented as part furnished he has a legal obligation to provide some bits. Hope you get it sorted....and hope ya doing ok otherwise :D

Thanks hun...the property was rented as unfurnished, but i think he has put some furniture in as this stops new tenants from claiming squatters rights? which we could have done by now as we still havent signed a bloody contract! :mad:

I know he doesnt have to put the things in he said he was going to but it is very annoying as we turned down other offers of furniture on the basis that we were getting them from LL :mad: tbh, hes just lied to get us in the property, now hes lying so we will sign the contract, well hes got no chance until ALL of the remaining snags have been completed!!! :nono:

I've left a message with the agency so hopefully they can shed some light! Honestly! xx
Ahh bless ya hun, what a nightmare!! That's awful what your LL is doing :eek: but yes you are very sensible not signing anything! I bet you're agency will be able to sort it out. Don't worry! xxx
Ahh bless ya hun, what a nightmare!! That's awful what your LL is doing :eek: but yes you are very sensible not signing anything! I bet you're agency will be able to sort it out. Don't worry! xxx

Thanks hun :) hopefully will get it sorted x
Just thought i would post some pictures to cheer me up and show myself that i have actually lost weight and im not imagining it!! :)


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You poor thing Nicola, i'm with dinx and don't sign anything t they have done everything they promised! It's a nightmare moving without added problems Hun but keep your chin up, everything will work out in the end:) big hugs x
Hi poppet! DO NOT SIGN! Hope u get it all sorted but dont let him pressure u! The agency should help!

Pics are fab :) x
well miss are a stunner!! you really should be proud of yourself, you are doing just fab!!!! 1/2 lb or 7 1/2lb...its all heading in the right direction... Keep smiling :D
Wow you're gorgeous girly :) what lovely photo's!! Hope you're ok xxx