Thanks Susan..
Oh dear minimates, i've lost my voice...:rant2:
Hmm, i'm thinking today may be difficult at work...(as most of you know i'm a receptionist

). First thing lovely OH said was 'there is a god', hahaha
I must admit, i
do talk a lot but i love talking!! I didnt realise how much i talked until i cannae talk!
I do still feel really lowsy
Food has been very random over the weekend, had first proper meal in 3 days last night, a chicken dinner
Going to be 200% this week! Got a doctors appointment next tuesday for my annual bp/weight check and since i last went i have lost 4 stone! So i shouldnt be worried at all but i still have this horrible feeling in my stomach!

i think its because last time i went i'd put on weight and not lost it...but i need a slap! because i KNOW how well i have done this year! so doc can shove it
Diary to follow...xx