Nicola's Cuba Countdown

Haha! No we didn't meet spent Saturday in Leicester Square totally sober! ;)

Sounds like a lush weekend! Bet you're hating being back at work now tho =)

Today was soooo hard! It was a crappy day at work anyway, and compounded with being knackered from the weekend it was just total hell!! I was not in the mood at all.... :( But I did pretty much stick to plan still, phew! :)

Breakfast: Apple, Tea (0.5)
Lunch: Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap (HEB) with Salad, Chicken Soup, Sugarfree Jelly (0.5)
Snacks: 2 slices Leerdammer Light (HEA), Pack of Ham
Dinner: Pasta with Spicy Chorizo Pasta Sauce (3)
Treat: 1 Eton Mess Truffle (2.5)

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 6.5 Syns

My chocolate tour started around Leicester Square Lauren!! We were very close! :)

Oooohhhh!! Missed the chocolate hunters! =D =D

This spicy chorizo sounds NOM...where and who makes?! =)
Me!! It's just tinned tomatoes with chilli and chorizo, cooked up for as long as you can bear to leave it - goes lovely and caramelised after about an hour :)
Hey :) hope you don't mind me subscribing to your thread. I am hoping for some motivation swopping as the weeks go on! I am currently at 11.1 and wish to be at 10.7 and am happy with a 1 pound a week loss at the moment.. The journey is slow but am happy to take my time :) I go away with my boyfriend in 4 weeks so as long as I am in the 10s by then I shall be happy :) hope you all have a good day and I look forward to catching up with your posts. Nic x
Hey :) hope you don't mind me subscribing to your thread. I am hoping for some motivation swopping as the weeks go on! I am currently at 11.1 and wish to be at 10.7 and am happy with a 1 pound a week loss at the moment.. The journey is slow but am happy to take my time :) I go away with my boyfriend in 4 weeks so as long as I am in the 10s by then I shall be happy :) hope you all have a good day and I look forward to catching up with your posts. Nic x

Welcome!! I'm sure you'll achieve your 1lbs losses per week, and you'll love it once you get into the 10s, it felt like another stone had fallen off me, it's such a mental boost!!

However, I have been bad beyond belief today.... I actually feel sick from eating so much food after having a really crappy day at work :( Dreading the scales tomorrow x
Welcome!! I'm sure you'll achieve your 1lbs losses per week, and you'll love it once you get into the 10s, it felt like another stone had fallen off me, it's such a mental boost!!

However, I have been bad beyond belief today.... I actually feel sick from eating so much food after having a really crappy day at work :( Dreading the scales tomorrow x

Can totally relate to that did that yesterday at work and suffered big time today! Wish I could not do it but a bad day always makes me turn to food!
Can totally relate to that did that yesterday at work and suffered big time today! Wish I could not do it but a bad day always makes me turn to food!

I haven't done it in ages, but after 12 hours straight I was just so tired that I grabbed a Mars Bar from the vending machine and it all went downhill from there... oops
Oh nooooo!! Bad vending machine!! I eyed it up at work the other day thinking a good old snickers bar would hit the spot. Luckily I'm broke! =) tomorrow you'll be super motivated though hopefully!
Welcome!! I'm sure you'll achieve your 1lbs losses per week, and you'll love it once you get into the 10s, it felt like another stone had fallen off me, it's such a mental boost!!

However, I have been bad beyond belief today.... I actually feel sick from eating so much food after having a really crappy day at work :( Dreading the scales tomorrow x

Thank you so much :) I am very much looking forward to being back in the 10s! Hope you have a better day today and that the scales were kind to you..
You're right - have woken up feeling really bloated and rotten and therefore totally motivated to get back on this!! Time to sit and do a menu plan tonight and get my head back in gear... am setting myself a mini target of 10st 7lbs for Las Vegas, so have got until 8th Sept to achieve that... should be thoroughly within my grasp if I get and stay on plan until I go away. Cannot let work throw me off track!!

Better go and face the scales... if it's really bad I might skip weigh-in tonight, naughty I know...
11st 0.75lbs this morning, very disappointed in myself!!
Don't skip weigh in if u can! There might be something someone does or says that really helps you solidly stick to plan all week. I'm sure you will anyway and the occasional blip is totally healthy and normal. Don't beat yourself up too much! I am more than sure you will have those scales back down in a couple of days and then you're going to feel so much better, BUT then feel guilty that you flaked on group like myself a few weeks ago. I reckon you'll get that mini goal in the bag =)
MissNix said:
11st 0.75lbs this morning, very disappointed in myself!!

Don't be too hard on yourself. I didn't want to stay to class this morning but have made myself to refocus. Go to class and draw a line under it. You are brill at this you have come an amazing way and your journey is an inspiration to many people, especially me! This isn't ways going to be simple but you will get there!! xx
11st 0.75lbs this morning, very disappointed in myself!!

Don't worry about it. Last week, my Wii went up 2lbs - to 10st 13lbs (even though I was being good)! Since then I've been naughty but the scales have slowly come back down, thank god. You'll bring it back down in NO time, it seems you always do! You'll get that mini goal! x

Don't be too hard on yourself. I didn't want to stay to class this morning but have made myself to refocus. Go to class and draw a line under it. You are brill at this you have come an amazing way and your journey is an inspiration to many people, especially me! This isn't ways going to be simple but you will get there!! xx

Agree with the comment above! x
Evening lovelies!

Well I couldn't have made it to class even if I wanted to... I'm literally just home from work!! :eek: I've already worked my entire week's hours and it's only Wednesday, roll on the weekend!!!!

Am just sitting down and planning my menu for this week, so am fine for getting back on track - my head's in the right place, I'm just too tired to focus on it, but I'm hoping it'll get a bit better at work from tomorrow after me staying so late tonight to get back on top of things. I've got 2 meals out in the next 2 days, so have just been reviewing the menus and picking out 2 possible options for each course for each meal so I can eat out relatively syn free and therefore can allow myself a glass of wine or two so I don't feel like I'm missing out :) Am also going to drive to both so there's no risk of me going mad!! And then this weekend I have the sum total of NOTHING on! :D Which means I can cook and plan to my heart's desire, which is going to feel like a bit of a luxury!! Might do a bit of batch cooking to set myself up well for the next few weeks :)

So here's tomorrow's vague plan...

Breakfast: Yogurt (0.5), Banana
Lunch: Baked Potato & Beans (from work canteen) OR Hot Chicken & Salad (from Tesco), Apple
Dinner: Salmon Ceviche OR Mussels, Steak OR Chicken with New Potatoes & House Salad)

Keeping lunch flexible in case I decide to go for a red day so I can have a HEB to play with if I want some bread with my meal :)

Hope you've all had good days! Mine's involved Pringles, chocolate and all sorts of crap... work meetings are a nightmare!! x
Evening all!

Just back from dinner with the girls, was really nice and I stayed on plan, so double bonus! :D Had yet another absolute nightmare of a day at work, Kellogg's are indeed mean!! But did get out at a reasonable time, primarily because I just announced that I was going lol... I'd got to that point of uselessness from exhasustedness so would have been no good to anyone anyway!

Food for today...

Breakfast: Banana, Tea (0.5)
Lunch: Jacket Potato, Beans, Yogurt (0.5)
Dinner: Salmon Ceviche (yum!!), Rump Steak, New Potatoes, Salad, Ratatouille, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, 1 large glass wine (14 for wine, syns for oil on mushrooms/steak, and 1 spoonful of Baked Alaska) - am just assuming I'm probably up to my full day's limit)

Summary: 0 x HEA, 0 x HEB, 15 Syns

Roll on another healthy day tomorrow please, hoping for a lunchtime finish to compensate for the ridiculous hours so far this week!

Sorry for not catching up on anyone else's diaries yet this week, I'm going to have a monster session of it at the weekend! :D xx
Morning all!

Woke up after having a dream that I'd totally blown it and eaten a ton of unhealthy food, and then realised it was only a dream and was so relieved! :D

Not going out for lunch after all today, so should be easier to be good today...

Breakfast: Yogurt (0.5), Apple, Plums
Lunch: Pasta n Sauce?
Dinner: Chilli con Carne with Rice & Cheese (HEA)
