I am defo trying those overnight oats one morning this week too, I often have oats mixed with a yoghurts, then fruit on top - it is so filling and yummy but those always look so good so am going to do that one night for the next day, maybe even tonight actually for tomorrow.
Your food looked good yesterday! I need a wee day to batch cook too, keep me on track for when OH is nightshift too and stuff and I CBA to cook for just me! x
Yay do it, you'll love it! It feels really treaty for breakfast
Hey Nic. Just catching up, hope you're well
Hey Jodie! How's life? All's good here, feel like I've got my head back in it again... ready for a few more lbs to melt away!

The overnight oats always sound so delicious and the photos look great but I'm always conscious of the amount of the food in them!
I know we don't count calories and as long as the food is free (with 1/3 SF etc. for EE) and we only eat until we are satisfied then it shouldn't matter but it just would feel like I was eating a lot more than it would normally take to satisfy me if that makes sense?! Or maybe it stops you eating a bigger lunch/dinner?
I'd quite often eat cereal, yogurt and fruit for breakfast, so it doesn't feel like too much to me - but I do make mine in a much smaller container than most of the jars you see in the pictures!! I made it once in an equivalent sized glass jar and that was really filling - it had much more yogurt in it than the ones I make now, which have a small tub of natural yogurt / half a large tub of natural yogurt. It does keep you filled up - if I find myself eating afterwards I know it's emotional eating, as it's definitely not my tummy rumbling!
Hello my lovely, just trying to catch up on diaries! Hope you had a fab weekend xx
Hey lovely! Had a fab quiet weekend thanks, was just what the doctor ordered, although somehow the doctor got mixed up and blessed me with yet another summer cold, doh! How are all the birthday celebrations going? Are you having an amazing few weeks? xx
So here's today's evening check-in.... it's been a long day today! Another 7pm finish at work, and then had to head to the shops to get a few birthday/wedding pressies for friends, so didn't end up getting home until about 9.15pm!! But on the plus side I did pop into M&S and picked up some sushi for my lunch tomorrow (rather than having the boring salad I had planned on my menu), so am looking forward to tomorrow's food now!
Breakfast: Overnight Oats with 35g Oats (HEB), Cherries, Strawberries, Blueberries & Natural Yogurt, Banana, Tea (0.5)
Lunch: M&S Eat Well Teriyaki Beef Salad Bites in Mooli Ribbons with Sweet Soy Dipping Sauce, chilled, 215g pack (2), Peach, Plums, Apple
Snacks: Grapes, Tea (0.5)
Dinner: Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes, Broccoli & Gravy (2), Sugarfree Cordial
Snacks: Tabasco Cheddar (HEA)
Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 5 Syns
Tomorrow's plan is as follows:
Breakfast: Overnight Oats (HEB - already made!)
Lunch: M&S Sushi (think about 3 syns, can't find the one I've bought on syns online), homemade egg-fried rice
Dinner: Spag Bol with Cheese (HEA) & Salad
Hope your weeks have all gotten off to a good start!
