Evening all!
Just been to official weigh-in... back to 10st 12.5lbs, so 2.5lbs off

Back over the 2 stone mark and not too much further to go until I get that healthy BMI back too!
Having a bit of a treat evening and am totally stuffed now, I swear my stomach's shrinking slightly!!
Manic day at work again and am very glad it's over... had to do a day's worth of scary presentations to all the bigwigs and was more than a bit scared!! Was actually shaking when I did my first bit, but by the second bit I'd gotten into my stride and it wasn't quite so bad
So here's my summary...
Breakfast: All Bran Berry Crunch (HEB)
Lunch: Turkey Pieces, Veg Soup, Peach
Weigh-in: 2.5lbs off!

Dinner - starter: 2 Salmon Mousses (7), Bread Roll (6), Butter (5), Small tub Pringles (10)
Dinner - main: Chicken Teriyaki (1.5) with Rice & Pak Choi
Dinner - dessert: Belgian Bun (14), Butter (2.5), Marshmallows (8)
Summary (Extra Easy): 0 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 54 Syns
Ok so maybe I'm not surprised I'm full after writing all that out haha...
Tomorrow is Sports Day at work, which on the surface sounds like a healthy day full of body magic... but in reality it's a day where we have an ice-cream and doughnut van on the premises, and we start eating and drinking wine at 5pm!! Eeek! Slimming nightmare!! So the plan is to be 100% until 5pm, to try and select healthy options from the BBQ, and flexi syn the drinks. We'll probably head into town after the food and drinks, so once we're in the bars I'll switch to vodka and diet coke to try and minimise the syns from the alcohol, but it'll probably be beer or wine only while we're at the office.
Right I am off to my bed, am exhausted after today and another early start tomorrow morning to try and squeeze in all the work before sports day starts!!