Silver Member
I did it! Off-site day successfully navigating!
Hey welcome back! And loads of luck with getting your weight off, you can do itx
Well as above, I managed to stick to my plan, and ended up eating even more fruit than planned by making that the only tray from the lunch provided that I allowed myself to pick at! I resisted quiches and sandwiches and crisps, yay me!Watching Great British Bake Off now and torturing myself though haha!
Breakfast: WW Greek Yogurt (0.5), Boiled Eggs with sliver of Butter (0.5), Tea (0.5)
Snacks: Banana, Tea (0.5)
Lunch: Sushi (3), Pineapple, Kiwi, Strawberries
Snacks: Fruit salad (Grapes, Raspberries, Blueberries)
Dinner: Goats Cheese & Basil Tortelloni (7) with Parmesan (HEA)
Snacks: Rocky Road Hifi Light (HEB)
Summary (Green): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 12 Syns
Weigh-in tomorrow, was half a lb heavier on my scales this morning, am hoping that was just from last night's huge tea and not mother nature's doing... so everything crossed for a better result tomorrow morning and then following that, at official weigh-in tomorrow night!!I'd love to be 10st 13lbs on the official scales, as that would be my 2st loss back, and I'd only need another 0.5lbs next week to have lost my whole holiday weight in 2 weeks
I know I've been 100% this week at least, so whatever will be will be.
How are you all doing? Finding it ok to stay on plan now the autumn weather's setting in? xx
Nic, can you tell me how you work out your syns for filled pasta, I love the stuff but am wary to eat it as I am unsure how to syn it :/