Niki's journey from scruffy to sophisticated!!

Excellent well done Nikki, that's amazing and you've done it so quick! This diet obviously suits you and your gonna look amazing for your party!

Huge well done huni xxx
Well done Nickies - you are doing so fab :) x
I read some of this diary out to my OH yesterday evening. He was amazed that I had so much support from everyone and thought it was really lovely!

I read out a bit about my size 16 dress being more comfortable and how I couldn't believe I was 12.7! It seems so long ago now! I'm sat here in a size 12, smart dress from next with black heels and going to a networking event this afternoon. I actually feel confident enough to talk to people and I'm really looking forward to it.

My CDC is so impressed with me and OH. She was a bit worried last night as I was talking about how OH has had bad cold and had to have lemsips/cough mixture etc and I'm worried that I'm getting it and will have to have the same and will then be out of ketosis......she told me that if I get sick I need to look after myself and yes, I may come out of ketosis but not to jeopardise my health for the sake of the plan.

We have black tie event this Saturday so I'm really hoping I don't get ill before it! But then again, if I had to chose I'd rather be ill for that than for my birthday party the weekend after!

Everyone in my office knows all about the diet now and to be honest its a relief -they can all see the results and have been incrediably supportive of it. I think the key was waiting until I'd lost some weight before telling them; they couldn't argue that it didn't work because it clearly does. Although 1 girl in the office was doubtful to begin with she thinks I look amazing and she said I seem so much happier. She doesn't necessarily agree with the plan but she knows that she doesn't have to! One of the partners asked for the details of it so he could go on it!

When I told my CDC that a lot of the people at my party won't have seen me since I started the plan she joked that she should give me some of her cards to take as everyone will be wanting them!
Nikie said:
Lost another 3lbs! Have officially lost 3 stone!!!!!!

Well done! That's amazing :)

Good advice from your CDC - take care of your health above all other things, including CD! Hope you do not get sick tho'.

I have referred several people to Cambridge. It is interesting to see how many people actually do something tho (very few). When I check in with them, I get the feedback that they have to eat "real food", that it is too socially restrictive, that they can't do it without alcohol.... I'm disappointed, but can't judge them. After all, I've been there - was there for a very long time! But the seed is planted and all I say back is that the few weeks/months on CD to shift the weight is worth the short-term sacrifice.

Have a great weekend!
Well, well, well............

Sooooooo.............this past weekend was the black tie event and perhaps it can be described as a disaster of a weekend?! On the advice of my CDC, OH and I had pasta on Friday night to deliberately take us out of ketosis so we could drink the followng night. It felt like a real treat but I did struggle with it! On the saturday, I had two boiled eggs and some asparagus for lunch. At the meal, I had the meat part of the starter, didn't touch the bread and for the mains we were given chicken breast, green beans and mashed potato. I had the chicken and beans and then asked my OH for some more champagne. He told me I wasn't allowed anymore (was on my third glass of wine at this point) until I had my potato. So I ate it! I didn't eat the dessert and after a couple more glasses of wine I then stopped drinking. Was pretty smashed by then though.

At 4am when we left, some the lads thought it was a great idea to go to mcdonalds. And I had a mcdonalds cheesburger meal! I don't even like mcdonalds!!!! So disappointed!

When we woke up at the hotel yesterday we were feeling a bit delicate, so went downstairs for breakfast. I had half a sausage, some black pudding, scrambled eggs , a bite of bacon, a tablespoon of baked beans and half a hash brown. Had a shake when we arrived home and in the evening we ordered Indian takeaway -but just tandoori based meat and some spinach. No rice or bread or poppodums.

I'm back on it today! About to have my first shake and I'm looking forward to it! It was a great weekend and had it not been for the mcdonalds I would have been thinking that I did pretty well!
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Thanks guys! I was actually looking forward to getting back on the shakes today so that must be a good thing. Of course, I have my party on Saturday so I need to remain focused on the shakes until then! I'm so busy this week finalising plans for it all that I'm sure it won't be a problem!
Bet your super excited about your party... So exciting and you will look amazing... Have a fab week, and don't forget to enjoy every minute of your party x
Wow - the time certainly has flown by!
I'm looking forward to pictures..... (hint, hint)!!!
Ooh it's almost here :) you are gonna look fab :) so exciting :) xx
I am excited for my party, but have so much to do before it!!

I weighed in last night and stayed the same...which I am very happy with considering that I'm not back in ketosis yet! Plus I'm 3 days late for my period so have retained some water from that! I am feeling a bit tired and headachey today so the ketosis is coming! Just in time for me to have to come off it again for my party :confused:.
Think of going into ketosis and the next couple of days as a "cleansing" period before you enjoy your party! Am assuming you will be drinking alcohol at the party, so remember to eat normal food and some carbs beforehand. Alcohol and ketosis/CD do NOT mix well!

Didn't the time just fly by???

Hope you've had an amazing party!
