Niki's journey from scruffy to sophisticated!!

So last night's WI was another 3lbs??? WELL DONE! And it was a day early... You're on fire - keep it up!
As far as I can tell, your body does lose weight in cycles and it is different for everyone. And while you may think 2-3lbs/week is slow - it is 8-12lbs a month! And trust me, that goes by really fast! One woman lost about 2lbs per week like clockwork - she didn't like it cause she thought it was slow, but hey - she's at goal, doing the steps and ...she made it!!!! :)

Have fun!
Hi Tizzy- yeah I wouldn't knock 2lbs a week! I guess it would be a bit disheartening because thats the kind of losses I was having with WW-whilst eating food and drinking wine! But I should remind myself that this isn't just about the scales....its about the inches!!! I may 'still' be 12st7lb but I haven't felt this 'thin' in a long time! If I could do 2lbs next week I'd still be 19lbs lighter than I was at the last race event, which was on 2nd September. If I'm already getting positive comments from people I see every day imagine the reactions from the people who I wouldnt have seen for a month! Yay!!

I know i'm doing this for me - but come on, its nice to get compliments right!

Michael Mcintyre was fab....really funny! And OH and I felt like we'd had a great night out even without the food and booze so it was perfect! We did have to stop on the way and use the toilets in the petrol station because we'd been drinking so much water during the day and I knew the ladies at the O2 would be heaving as usual!

It has definitely helped that he is doing this with me. He's going karting tonight and is wearing the race suit that he hasn't worn for about 7 years! Its only a fun karting session with his employees but they are ultra competitive and he knows that as he's lighter it'll give him an advantage! Especially as the last time he went karting he was a stone heavier so they won't be expecting his moves! Haha!!

I'm in a really positive place right now. When I first started this diet it was all about the days, but that has now turned into weeks! Week 3! I can't believe it! It's amazing how one day can be really difficult and the next really easy! OH and I spend a lot of time talking about working up the steps and maintaining because we never want to get back to where we are now.
You are sounding so positive and excited - it's great!
Bet your OH beats everyone hands down at the karting! What fun!

I think a lot about the steps as well. Have bought a low carb cookbook - won't entirely give up bread and stuff, but want to expand my recipe possibilities. As much as we struggle to lose, maintaining will be the real battle!
Michael Mcintyre was fab....really funny! And OH and I felt like we'd had a great night out even without the food and booze so it was perfect! We did have to stop on the way and use the toilets in the petrol station because we'd been drinking so much water during the day and I knew the ladies at the O2 would be heaving as usual!
I'm in a really positive place right now. When I first started this diet it was all about the days, but that has now turned into weeks! Week 3! I can't believe it! It's amazing how one day can be really difficult and the next really easy! OH and I spend a lot of time talking about working up the steps and maintaining because we never want to get back to where we are now.

Hey Nikie - one of my colleagues was at Michael MacIntyre last night too she was telling me about it... you weren't the woman declaring your love for him at the front were you???!!! LOL ;)

It's great you're so into the zone now - Well done and here's to another week!
Haha! No don't worry that wasn't me! But it was so funny!!!!!! She went up to him and said thank you for the show and he was really touched by it. Then she wouldnt leave and it got really akward!
It's been a couple of days since I wrote on here and my diary was on page 2! Tut, tut!!!

I have been busy with work but checking in and out and keeping up to date with everyone elses progress! I've noticed a few people who have returned to the forum after brief breaks away etc and I'm really interested to hear how much they have lost and how easy/tough they will find restarting the plan. In a perfect world, I would follow all of the steps religiously and then work on maintaining but unfortunately life is going to get in the way of that and I know that I am going to be taking a planned break in November.

I have known that was going to be the case from the beginning so have always been prepared for it, but the more time that goes by the more worried I am becoming about completely falling off the wagon and not getting back on :cry:As you know, I am motivated at the moment for my party in November, but what happens when that is over and the pressure is off?! Will I remain as motivated? I would like to think that by the time of my birthday I will be about a stone away from goal and hopefully that will be motivation enough for me to shoot for goal by Christmas. Then I'll have christmas dinner (x3 once we have been to all families!) to contend with and then aim to get back on it and lose my Xmas weight etc and follow the steps properly with no distractions.

I know it probably seems too early to be thinking about this but my thoughts are that the sooner I start to conquer my food demons the more chance I have of NOT going off the rails and giving up....and if my diary isn't here to ponder my own thoughts what is it for?!

Putting all that aside, I am feeling very motivated today and positive. OH is working a half day today and is off tomorrow so I'm hoping that we can go for a walk this afternoon and get on with some work on the house!

Have a great day everyone!

Niki xxxx
Well, having done phase 1 and started phase 2, I can tell you that getting back on track is not easy. You will see several people struggling with this, but as long as you don't quit, it'll happen, and can be done!

For now, just focus on getting to Nov.
I have known that was going to be the case from the beginning so have always been prepared for it, but the more time that goes by the more worried I am becoming about completely falling off the wagon and not getting back on :cry:As you know, I am motivated at the moment for my party in November, but what happens when that is over and the pressure is off?! Will I remain as motivated? I would like to think that by the time of my birthday I will be about a stone away from goal and hopefully that will be motivation enough for me to shoot for goal by Christmas. Then I'll have christmas dinner (x3 once we have been to all families!) to contend with and then aim to get back on it and lose my Xmas weight etc and follow the steps properly with no distractions.

I know it probably seems too early to be thinking about this but my thoughts are that the sooner I start to conquer my food demons the more chance I have of NOT going off the rails and giving up....and if my diary isn't here to ponder my own thoughts what is it for?!
Niki xxxx

Hi Niki

Hope you had a good weekend and managed to stay strong! I think you make a valid point about planning for the food splurges, especially if you're ultimate weight loss goal is to get you to those events skinnier than you were when you embarked on this...

In terms of your goal weight - is that what you want to be by your party or is that a longer term goal and you'd settle for an interim goal for your birthday?? I think to make it stick the diet and then subsequent integration back to real food has to be realistic to match with your lifestyle.. you're lucky you have your OH on board for the journey as that must make it easier to confide when you're having a bad day - though I can imagine it's tougher in some ways as there are the voices of 2 demons tempting you both rather than just managing it on your own....

You're doing fantastic and the only way is down as far as the scales are concerned. If you feel like it's getting too much, take a step back and think of the skinny minny jeans you'll be wearing on your birthday if you resist.. Plus try not to panic too much re maintaining the weight loss with the events planned in - am sure your CDC will be able to give you some tips.

Have a great day... got my WI tonight so fingers crossed!

Hi Jen!

I stayed 100% this weekend! Just been looking in my diary and am on day 26....26 days 100% on plan! I'm so proud of myself.

My goal weight is 9.7....I was working on the 'stone a month' mantra so established that I could be, if I stuck to it 100%, 10.10 by November 24th. I would be happy with this for my party. Then after my birthday week I was going to get back on it to lost the last stone or so, plus whatever I gained on my week off! You are right about having my OH on board.....we are spending so much time discussing 'what happens next' . We are both feeling great already and determined not to go back to old habits. He is 88kg on the scales at the moment and once he gets to 86kg he will be about a stone away from goal.....he will then be going on to step 2 and working through the steps. If I can get to my birthday week with only a stone left to go, I will start moving through the steps then as well. I want to get to goal sooner rather than later (don't we all!) but if theres one thing I have learnt from here its to do things properly!

It seems a long slog and so slow at the moment but I'm trying to think of the bigger be fair the last 26 days have gone very quickly in hindsight so I'm sure the next will also!

Best of luck for your weigh in tonight -I have mine tomorrow night, then I'm back to Wednesdays! I don't think I've lost much this week (cheeky look on scales last night) but I won't let it bother me because I know I've been 100% and the scales will catch up with me in time!

Let me know how you get on!! x
Good morning all, fairly easy day at work today as my boss is currently on a flight back from Dubai and therefore won't be back in UK until 7pm!

But I do have a doctors appointment tonight prior to my weigh in....I have what feels like fluid in my elbow and it is really painful. I'm going to ask what they think I should do about it. Hopefully they'll drain it and it'll add to my weigh loss! I also have a mole on my right breast that I have been keeping an eye on for years, I've noticed that its bigger now and has also changed colour so I'm going to ask about that at the same time. The last time a doctor looked at it they said it was fine so I'm not worried about it, but that was a few years ago so I think it's time to get checked out again! Plus the colour seems to be lighter now, rather than darker so it's probably nothing! But better to be safe than sorry eh!

Then the really scary thing -weigh in tonight! Aiming for a 2lb loss. Ok, if I'm honest, I'm aiming for 3lbs so then I've lost 20lbs in a month but I really wouldn't be disappointed with 2lbs. As long as I get a good loss next week! Black work trousers are loose now. Some of my size 14 clothes are tight -they do up but they are tight! So I wouldn't say I'm a size 14 yet. I'm sure I will be within a couple of weeks, fingers crossed.

Have a great day everyone and I will report back later tonight!
Niki - definitely you should get your mole checked out - as you say, better safe than sorry. I have an appointment scheduled to get a baseline review with a dermatologist, as both my father and brother have had to have melanomas removed. I figure I'm next so should get checked out!

Great that you're in your size 14s!!! They may not feel comfortable now, but that just reminds you to stick with it and you're right, before you know it they will fit well. And then... all too fast, they'll be lose and you'll be in 12s!!! :)
I lost 4lbs!! Very happy with that....Tizzy, thank you. Mole is all ok at the moment -they have asked me to keep an eye on it and go back if any changes.x
So less than a month since I started the CWP and I am 1 and 1/2 stone down already!

You may recall that I was aiming to have lost 20lbs by the 6th October, as then I would have lost 20lbs since I last saw my OH's customers/employees on the 2nd September, and I have lost 21lbs! Really happy to have hit my first mini goal! OH said they will definitely see a difference in me. My next goal is to get into the 11s and I'm confident I'll be there within the next couple of weeks!

Feeling positive about the diet, but very stressed out about work/home life. I have lots to do and tried putting it into a list so I wouldn't forget anything, but that's kinda stressing me out more because I've realised there is lots on it. This is potentially where before I would be tempted to binge so I'm going to work hard over the next few days to get through this and hopefully will be feeling a bit happier with things in a few days.
4lbs - wow! That's great! And you've over achieved on your goal as you'll be even more than 21lb down by 6 Oct. You will have to tell us all about everyone's reactions - I'll bet you get loads of compliments - if they dare comment (weight is a touchy subject and a lot of people avoid it as a topic of discussion).

Perhaps you can break down your list once you've gotten everything out of your head and down on paper/in computer. I.E. Stuff that needs done asap, stuff you can do in a week, 2 weeks. And/or stuff that needs to be done for work vs stuff that is personal.

Keep breathing - it helps! :)
Hey Nikie

Just saw your WI results - WELL DONE am sooooooo pleased for you, you are doing fantastic. I know what you mean about the looser clothes and that does create a good buzz. Keep it up as you'll soon be in to the party dress of your dreams for your big night! And I really do believe you will do it.

Thank you! I cannot explain how much this forum helps to keep me motivated! The first thing I do in the morning is log onto this forum and then keep it on my computer all day! I literally refresh the page to check in every so often. I love seeing how everyone else is getting on!
I agree - the forum is great. Somehow it helps to know there are others out there struggling with the same issues or doing well and going strong or just to have someone to "talk" to about things. Esp the diet. We're all slightly obsessed with CD, what we eat, losing weight, cravings, CD side effects - can't dump all that on our friends and families all the time! :)

Have a great Thursday! Weather here is dreadful, but I'm at work and looking forward to a good CD day today!
Sounding positive there Tizzy-good to hear!

Sooo......I have my first major test this weekend! I am driving to a race circuit tonight (at work at the moment so am fine for shakes today!) and will then be there until Sunday afternoon. My OH owns a race team and this is their last weekend of the season. He has been there since yesterday morning and has been 100% on the shakes so that's good.

Here's my problem - I am catering. Yes; I am preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for 20 people for the next three days!!!!!!!!! I have discussed with OH and will have a shake before cooking up each time so I won't be starving for it but I'm very worried that I'll eat something by accident! I am doing chilli con carne on Friday night and chicken curry on Saturday night and I usually taste the rice to make sure it's done. I'm worried I'll automatically taste it by accident!

For breakfast I'm doing bacon rolls. Now, when I was on weight watchers I was able to make these and avoid eating them so I'm not too worried about that. But for lunch I'm doing buffets each day, with meats (chorizo, salami etc my biggest weakness!!) and sausage rolls, houmous and pitta bread and basically lots of stuff thats easy to 'pick' at. And due to the nature of the event, some drivers are out at different times so I can't just serve it and then chuck it away -it basically stays out for a couple of hours!

I'm 90% sure I'll stay strong.

I will be on my iphone the whole time so will probably be posting on here quite a lot! Any other advice how to get through this?
Nikie - sounds like you've got a plan already with eating before you prepare the food.
If you absolutely can't avoid "tasting" then only taste the protein (meat) and preferably the less fatty the better (so not the salami and sausage rolls :)) and any greens. A tsp of rice to make sure it's cooked won't hurt, but avoid carbs - they will throw you out of ketosis, make you hungry and then things will get tough to manage!

Have fun - it all sounds very exciting!!!