Hi Nikie! Well done on the weightloss and on the pictures too

Doesn't it feel just amazing when we feel confident enough to compliment ourselves? I used to say horrible things about my figure and it's such a nice feeling when I look at myself and think "Not bad actually!"

(I'm so vain

OK, regarding the weekend. Here are my tips to curb my desire to eat (but remember that I'm on Step 2 so slightly different situation).
1) Be sure to have plenty of water at hand! How many times have I been too busy to get myself a glass of water. It always ends up with me feeling very hungry and therefore miserable (not to mention getting terrible headaches).
2) have some coze zero ready too. I know some people say it's best to wean yourself off them. But if you have an urge to eat, better try the coke zero first. There is no calorie and no citric acid so it won't knock you out of ketosis. AND it helps with cravings (the sugary taste means that you feel like you're treating yourself).
3) have warm drinks ready too! When you're cold, you feel hunger much more acutely.
4) have some chicken or boiled eggs nearby (or at least find out where you can get them). If you feel like all this food is too tempting, then at least you can eat chicken/eggs and it won't affect the diet much. A bit like SS+ really! Better that than junk food

5) as you said, get a tetra/shake 15 minutes before cooking and have some spare ones ready too. Better drink 4-5 shakes than eating junk food.
6) if you can, prepare the food with someone. Chatting away and having a laugh with someone while cooking will distract your attention from the food.
And above all (and that is my most important advice and it relates to what you said on my thread): if you eat, this is not the end of the world. No you won't have failed. No you won't have ruined the diet. I'm not saying you will cheat of course, but I know I ruined the diet by thinking that all was lost because I ate...
Just remember how well you've done so far. And remember this lovely feeling you had comparing pictures. And most important of all remember how awful it was the first few days of the diet, waiting to go into ketosis