Nikki in ??? IT STOPS NOW!

Greeneyes has said pretty much what I replied to you in my diary Hun! Give it a try you've got nothing to lose and a whole lot of feeling better to gain :)

PS watch the YouTube vid in my diary too. I've had this stored in my favourites for months for when I'm ready to maintain, I found it again last night while I was looking at the Jillian Michaels stuff. He does a whole blog thing on YouTube, and he's on a par with the lovely Bobkins for me ;)
Bought a low gi diet app. Quite interesting to look up the gi and gl of foods.

Today's food

1 x cd shake (138)
1 x apple (50)
Scrambled eggs x 2 on toast x 2 (300)
1/2 banana (40)
2 choc hobnobs (160) 688

then the disaster happens........ :(

quorn sarnie (300) 988
crisps (350) yes, i share a big bag. at least i didn't eat it all myself 1338
flapjack (150) 1488
3 glasses of wine (360 cals)

cals eaten and drank......1848 doesn't sound too bad, but no exercise was done. bring it back down today.

7 glasses of water
4 cups of coffee
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My cutie pie boy. He was shattered the other day and Emily gave him her dog which was really sweet.


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My scardy cat girl. Wanted to go on a bungee thing last sat. She was totally sure and then was really scared when they et her go high.


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Hey Hun, fab photos, what cuties and they're growing up fast!!! How's your day been? I order a couple of books today on Glycemic Loading and Index. I figured I should start reading up on low carb type diets for when I ever get to goal lol (that and I'm a compulsive shopper lol).

I've also found a book on my shelf about emotional eating, it's never Bern opened because I think I've been to scared to tackle the issue. I've just had a flick through while waiting for the bath to fill and it has chapters about anger, boredom, loneliness, anxiety and depression. I probably should've started reading it a long time ago, to at least deal with the first 3 things!!!

Hope you've had a better day today and feel better xx

Nikki i forgot to say i asked my zumba instructor and she advised me an app she uses daily... and swears by it.! as she does 7 classes a week shes not on a diet as such but does keep a eating diary.. and writes these things down using this app. x

thought id post
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Shanny what's the app called chick?
Morning Nikki! :D I've just got a couple of questions lol. What are your zumba shoes like? I've been looking and there's so many different ones... Do you like yours? I'm going to Teesside Park with mum later so I'm going to try on the Run Bra, but was it Boobydoo you got yours from?

I also need to get some new tracksuit bottoms and running leggings but I'm going to go to that cheap sports shop in the corner for them. All in preparation for getting back to exercising :D Not looking forward to TP on a Saturday afternoon but mum wants to go so I'll blame her lol.

Hope you have a good day :D
Is painting the kitchen today.


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Don't envy you!! I hated painting my kitchen, it's so awkward!! Mind I did do it in August and was sweating cobs but didn't dare open the windows in case bugs flew in and got stuck to the fresh paint. Lesson learned, don't decorate in Summer lol.
Morning Nikki! :D I've just got a couple of questions lol. What are your zumba shoes like? I've been looking and there's so many different ones... Do you like yours? I'm going to Teesside Park with mum later so I'm going to try on the Run Bra, but was it Boobydoo you got yours from?

I also need to get some new tracksuit bottoms and running leggings but I'm going to go to that cheap sports shop in the corner for them. All in preparation for getting back to exercising :D Not looking forward to TP on a Saturday afternoon but mum wants to go so I'll blame her lol.

Hope you have a good day :D


my zumba shoes are a bit slippery. i think they're supposed to be. makes you dance more on your balls rather than full foot as you get more grip on your balls. i think mine are ok. just got a cheapish pair from ebay. thought i'd try as i was buying blind. it's what you see most people using in our classes.

i got 2 black of my 3 from boobydoo. however, i got my 3rd, a white one, from amazon as it was about £10 cheaper. with free delivery too i might add. :)

i hate that cheap sports shop in the corner. it's full of chav clothes rather than exercise gear. i go to the one next to it, a little further along.
Don't envy you!! I hated painting my kitchen, it's so awkward!! Mind I did do it in August and was sweating cobs but didn't dare open the windows in case bugs flew in and got stuck to the fresh paint. Lesson learned, don't decorate in Summer lol.

was the dog's fault. i made a hot choc last night and dog licked out cup. thought i'd make myself another one and did so in the same cup. now i love my dog but i don't want to drink out of the same cup, we do not share cups. so i gave her the full hot choc and she splattered it all over the walls. it was in a bad state anyway so i started painting it with a dulux blue and it was a horrible baby blue. will do for matthew though. so had to dash out and get the colour i really wanted. should have got the colour i really wanted to start with. i've finished the kitchen but have just started the utlitly room. very tricky. had taken a lunch break. i was really hungry.

so far today...

cd shake 138 cals
cd bar 175 cals
quorn sarnie. 300 cals :(
apple 50 cals
flapjack (must get these out of the house quick) 150 cals
hot choc 40 cals (848)

2 pints of water
3 cups of coffee
2 dr pepper zero
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More pics.


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great things said:
i hate that cheap sports shop in the corner. it's full of chav clothes rather than exercise gear. i go to the one next to it, a little further along.

Oh you mean I won't look da bomb at the gym in my brand new wicked Golddigga tracksuit den innit? :p

I totally agree but I got a nice pair of adidas leggings from there and could with another pair lol. I go straight in up the stairs, go to the tiny adidas and Nike corner grab and pay, do not stop do not pass go lol. Certainly don't linger long enough to try anything on. :D
:D lol so funny. i hate going in. it's just so tightly packed downstairs and full of junk. you see loads of people with armfuls of tat going to pay downstairs. bleurgh!
the kitchen and the utility room painted today. phew. job done for a couple of years baring touch ups. now i've got ems room to finish, just one wall and then i'll start on our bedroom. mind i think the ceiling in the kitchen could do with being done!
enjoying a nice glass of wine and drinking it slowly, not gulping it down like normal. not hungry but paul's insisting on bringing something in, i'll see how i get on with whatever he brings in lol. going to go for a nice run tomorrow. 4 or 5 miles. just a relaxing enjoyable leg stretch.

going to try to get back outside and no pressure enjoyment run like it used to be!

p.s and i don't care if it's raining. just wish i didn't have to wear glasses :eek:
p.s i think i need to start looking at exercise as enjoyable - running again that is, instead of something to be done for weight control or loss. i need to love running as much as i did, just like i love zumba!