Nikki (ngreen1974) Starts A Diary

careful with carrots + parsnips together... a lovely mixture, I grant you...
Morning/afternoon ladies.

Where has this morning gone?????????

I'm just sitting down to lunch and I've realised I've had mostly PV days this week. My body is screaming out for veggies/salad/fruit so I'm adding a little (tiny) amount to most meals. I'm willing to pay the price at tomorrow's weigh in if it stops me from falling off the wagon altogether, which I am in fear of doing at the moment.

I think I've reached 'the wall' of dieting, and now I think about it, it does happen about a month into things for me. If I can struggle on through the next week I'll be a happy bunny. I may just have to do this one day at a time at the moment.

PV Day

B - Oatbran and yoghurt
L - Scrambled egg, 2 burgers, cucumber and tomatoe
D - ???? Need inspiration

Have a good day lovely ladies

hun if your body needs veggies have them or you will fall of it only means it will be a bit slower but still come off not going to get a loss tomorrow i know that already so will be veg tonight maybe
Thanks Scrumps. I REALLY dont to fail at this diet so I figure a slight variation short term is better than going back to my bad ways.

I swear tho, you should have seen the farce that took place in my kitchen about 30 minutes ago. I got 2 slices of bread out the packet and put them away twice. I literally battled with myself! It's madness. LOL

Let's just hope we both STS then hun. xxxxx
lol i can imagine you having to give yourself a good talking too, just remember how bloated you would feel !!!!! im ok with bread now and i cant believe ive not had chocolate for weeks i used to eat it everyday .........

yes sts would be ok bit peeved as i went down a 1lb after last weigh in then went back up the next day !!!! and its not gone I had better lose next week as ive been soooo good this week bleedy totm hate it , im going to be good next week see if i have a good loss if i dont i shall scream
Nikki I've been totally the same this week. Dont know if its because its been colder or the start of holiday mode.
Nikki - I expect the chocolate biscuits brought you out of ketosis, and I don't know whether you got yourself back in? Did I see you mention fruit? Honestly, the easiest way with this diet is to get into ketosis and stay there... no temptations that way... far more willpower alas is required when out. aaaah!!

Jaqys - hmm... I went into holiday mode 24 hours before going, it's true... Hang in there...
It's so good to know you're all out there going through the same thing.

Jo, I'm def oiut of ketosis as when I'm in it I get that nasty taste in my mouth, so it's easy to tell when I'm in or out, but I dont think that has much to do with the bread thing as that's more habit than anything. It's like when I gave up ciggies. It's breaking the habit ones first and the rest is much easier. If I can just change my mentality about lunch not HAVING to be a sandwich life will be much easier for me.

Jac I'm so jealous of your holiday. It's going to be amaxing.

It's true that you are a real "bread" girl...

What sort of bread did you used to love? It's true that the UK sandwich + cake tea (I think more in those terms than lunch somehow when I think back) doesn't exist over here where people "tend"(ed) at least to have two x meals.
Oh Jo dont even get me started. My fav is a fresh baked seeded loaf Mmmmmm If I'm in France and then it's always a fresh baked baguette or one of those creme patisserie (spelling???) with the fruit on top.

The smell os fresh baked bread is almost as nice a Marlborough Light (joking) LOL

oooh you beeetch - that was my brand :-( can (almost) smell them now!! I'm glad to see that you have such good taste in bread. My other half, from oooop North, loves white sliced! (It gets stuck on your palate and makes crùp toast!!)

Here endeth your food porn for the WEEK...

Back to the chicken - Anja has posted "Chinese chicken" for her dinner tonight, so I'm hoping she'll return and tell us more about it... I like the sound of that
I think I've reached 'the wall' of dieting
oh babe. i know the feeling. and done the bread argument with myself too (not with bread though) yes, no, yes, no etc etc. I live near warburtons factory and if you happen to be driving past at a certain time omg the smell is heavenly! have you tried making the dukan bread?

do hope you get through this. have plenty more water, give yourself inspiration i.e. what can you treat yourself to when you have lost a stone say? then the next stone...write it on your sig xxx
There is a ryvita factory in Poole that always smells divine!
do they smell nice?? strange never thought bout them smelling nice lol.
so have you been good? whats for tea?
...the raisin honey ryvitas smell nice :D...

Afternoon Nikki :)

Sorry to hear bout the cravings... I've been around this diet now since Mid July...and when I came off the wagon I went PV every day + the odd extra... in the hope that when my "mind" was right again I wouldn't have TOO much to lose/wouldn't have put much back on...itt worked...but I think I'm still gonna be the yo-yo of the board :eek:.... x
bread is evillllllllllllllllllll remember the bloated tummy the fat on that tummy and thighs
evil i say evvviillllll
Jo, thanks for the food porn :)

ha ha ha OK OK I get it. Bread is evil :D

Vicky, my parents live 5 mins from a HUGE bakery and come Easter the smell of hot cross buns is intoxicating.

Sarah, it's nice to know I'm not the only one hun.

I'm off to look for the chinese chicken recipe. Sounds delish.

Dinner was chicken casserole and broccoli. I say casserole but it was just chicken cooked in stock with garlic, butternutsquash, tomatoes and basil. Was surprisingly tasty.