it's a blah, blah, day. feel really down. ems is in nursery and last year it was a different head and the deputy head ran nursery. the school nursery did a nativity play. this year, no nativity play. we've a new head and a different nursery teacher. to say that i'm gutted is an understatement. reception are doing a nativity, the same children that did one in nursery last year. ever other one of ems friends in other schools is doing a nativity in nursery. i just can't believe it! they say that they're too young. i feel that i've lost out. if she moves schools next year then there's no chance that i'll ever get to see her in a nativity play, one of the most important parts of nursery education. i'm also talking about a church school. a C of E school! FFS!!!!!!
i'm off to see the head tomorrow. i just think it's unfair, unjust and i'm ever so sad. i will never get this with her again.