what a day and what an upcoming weekend!
been busy really bust doing this and that. dropped ems off then went to tescos for diet bits, put it away then picked my aunt up to take her to see ems in the school nativity thing. too ems to mum's for lunch, helped mum have a shower, took ems to tumble tots, then it was my hair back to the house, cleaned paul's study room, did kids tea, did my tea, did hubby's tea. kids bathed and put to bed, tidied kitchen, put away toys and i'm finally on here.
tomorrow, ems having her hair straightened ready for her birthday party on sunday, off to hubby's mums 2 hours away if the pennine route is open 3 hours if it isn't, back here late evening. dad's collecting her balloons for me, then up the following day, sunday, brekkie, get kids ready for party, load everything in the car, unload it, meet friends, have the party (at our gym), go home and collapse. phew!
paths are awful. sheer ice. it's been melting and freezing, melting and freezing. was so scared of falling today. i'm less frightened of falling now than i used to be when i was bigger, don't know why though. strange.