thought i'd put this in my diary too so i don't have to type it out again......
hi sal/shanny
i'm fine. been mega busy today. had an apocolypse of thoughts flooding through me too. i've recorded them in my diary.
had kids this am and cleaned house, downstairs. then i gave them lunch and took them off to the nursery (ems went in too as she was off school).
i then went to meet my mum and dad at the hair dressers as they wanted to see if mum's chair would get to the loo and back but it won't. then it was shopping at tescos. putting it away.
a trip to the skip to get rid of a few items that were broken followed.
then i decided not to paint the hall, landing and stairs but i was overcome with the need to do something otherwise i'd eat so i painted the landing and stairs but just ran out of time for the hall which i was going to do tonight but will end up being tomorrow pm job. the kids will probably hang over the gate and stare at me the whole time i do it too. grrrrr.
then i dashed off and picked them up. gave them tea and then got ready for zumba.
i darted out as soon as hubby came home. ran up the gym stairs to studio 1, ran to the loo and then jumped into zumba. i then darted home, after running to the car and got caught up in the 3 week running's mess. (week 1 dude drew over the walls, week 2 dude pooed on the floor) week 3 involved a double barrelled attacked from the kids. ems opened the gate to the kitchen where said hubby had left the biscuits within a 22 month old's reach, dude got the biscuits and there was crushing on the floor involved. hubby tidied this up only to find (and this is where i walked in from my class) that ems had un-done the bean bag and there was little polysyrene bits on the floor everywhere. so i ended up hoovering up and then putting dude to bed. argh!!!!!!
tea was gobbled shortly after that as was a naughty piece of cheese which just jumped into my wide open mouth. thank god for zumba.
tonights class was only 45 mins long but i wore my polar watch and...... 479 cals were burnt 40% fat so i think i'm in the realms of a 600 burn from a 1 hour class. will see as i'll wear my watch tomorrow. i think it depends on how all out i go.