nikki's diary - have you seen it?

Ooo you should have your new car by now!
i do :(

it's a nice car. doesn't have all the features that my old car had. lovely to drive, as my old one but it's not my beast! i really miss my beast.
got a new school contract through the post today too. an extension until july 13th.
I'm sure it'll have it's good points too! x
How come you got a new one if you love it so much?
Hubby! The beast used £400 worth of fuel a month. :(
Very sad! I went back to work too but that doesn't count!
Ouch on the fuel costs, can kind of understand why it had to go. Only a car at the end of the day though x
Ouch on the fuel costs, can kind of understand why it had to go. Only a car at the end of the day though x

i know. :( it's logical!

i loved my car..... the beast was its name. i had memories. it saw me through some hard times with my mum's amputation. going to the hospital and back.

very sad! i'm putting on my lotto. i want it back. don't even want a new one.... just mine back!
Made an Easter hat with Emily today. She did most of the work. It's turned out well. Pleased with it!


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That's awesome! Haha proper brightened up my morning x
The hat plus the addition of her hard boiled egg creation. Purple eyes is dudes, blue eyes is emily's.


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Love the hats! Very cute.

How are your holidays going so far?
well. mum was admitted to hospital last night. she'd been throwing up since saturday. keeping nothing down. not even water. she was very weak. her blood sugar levels were stupid 24.1! i phoned the docs and they called an ambulance to get her. she had a bad night and was moved to intensive care. she's got pretty bad Pneumonia. her left side is badly affected and she's on adreneline and various medications plus she's getting oxygen. she was trying to take it off earlier and they said that if she keeps on trying and the oxygen doesn't get into her then they'd have to ventilate her. she's very weak and very tired. just got my fingers crossed that she pulls through. she's a determined and strong woman when it comes to illnesses.

diet is still rubbish! started well today but it has deteriorated. i'm so tired and stressed!
My mum died tonight. Her body was too weak. Her heart too used! If I could give my worldly possessions to bring her back I would. I miss her deeply! I love her and will always love her! Her heart, which was weak, gave up the fight.

Massive hugs to you - I know words are useless at this time.

Try to take care of yourself and give yourself time to grieve. It is so easy to bury feelings - especially when we are susceptible to depression.

Thinking of you xxxx