Not long now for you hun! Good luck when the time comesx
Thanx hun, it hopefully won't b 2 much longer as I've been avin progressively stronger pains since yesterday, altho not wif any regularity yet - fingers x'd it'll happen soon!
Well 2day was my last day work n it really sucked so I'm glad 2 b finished 4 a while! lol! I never really ave periods nevermind period pains so I'm not sure I can compare these pains 2 that, basically they seem 2 start in my lower back n then spread round 2 the front, Ialso seem 2 b getting a weird pain rite in my lady bits which feels almost like the baby's stickin it's arm down 2 chk the way out! lol! Prob TMI there sorry! lol!
Ok so things started to go down hill from Friday evening and here I am Sunday morning almost 2lb up. I know a lot of that could be from last nights Chinese ( I had a side plate instead of a dinner plate so that's got to be good?)
So hope most of it is water and the fact the PF hasn't visited since Friday.
Lots of water and gym tomorrow and Tuesday and hopefully scrape a maintain!
I'm in the same position Nikki, don't worry. I'm sure it will drop off, just Chinese bloat xx
I have the hospital next week for my consultant after birth check and its on Tuesday so think ill have to go to proper WI which is Wednesday. Then I'm going to try really hard to not scale hop but have a 100% WW week as today I have really enjoyed it and haven't felt deprived like I do sometimes.
Keeping my fingers crossed for a good wi next week. Lets hope the BBQ on Saturday doesn't wreck it x
Have you moved to weight watchers Nikki? X
Just using the ultimate value diary app. I used it before and I lost quite a bit. X
Ah is that points been 11 years since I tried w watchers and it was all points thenx
You are a little butterflyYou do what works for you to lose Nikki, but have you not paid for SW classes? x