Hi everyone
It's been a while.
Had a horrible two weeks. Split up with my long-term boyfriend of 5 years last weekend. He said he fell out of love with me and cheated on me on the Friday night
It's been sheer hell. We moved in together 6 months ago and he is coming round later to collect the rest of his stuff which I am dreading!
My meals have been all over the place. Last week I didn't eat much but what i ate was crap! Lost 3lb. But this week im eating a bit more but still crap! I joined the gym this thursday. About to go and get ready for it soon. Want to be out as much as i can so thought going to classes would be a great idea physically and mentally. I am more motivated to get this weight off me and to trim up.
I joined plenty of fish which is a dating site but to be honest im not at all ready for relationships. Just friendships. There are some lovely guys out there distracting my attention away from what's going on.
So apologies for my absence. But i just havent felt like coming on and talking about my feelings lately. Shall put more of an effort in this week.
Oh naughty me, ive been drinking far too much as well. MUST STOP. STEP AWAY FROM THE WINE BOTTLE!
EE plan for today
Breakfast- 3 pieces weight watchers toast. LL cows
Dinner - Chicken and veggies
Meant to be going out with friends tonight. Been invited to an ann summers party. Also invited to the pub with another bunch of friends. Not sure which to do. But think i'll stay off the drink. Get up early in the morning and go to the LBT Class.
Hope everyone is good. Shall be catching up through out the day but for now im off to the gym. Burn off the crap i drank and ate last night. Hopefully it'll shift the hangover too!
Nik xx