Nintendo Wii.....

I will beat any bloke who tries to take over my Wii to a pulp when I get it!! It'll be mine mine all mine!! New man with new job eh.....will have to see about that!

You could see whether your agent thinks it's a viable thing to ask for?

Dizzy x
Seriously though. A big change in your social circle (ie new job) is often the start of many new friendships and relationships. I think 2007 will be your year!

Dizzy x
Hi all.... Just thought I would mention I am strongly considering selling my Wii as I am about to move to work as a Multi Activity Instructor. I will only have a room that I will share with someone else- so really there's no space for my wonderful wii.

So- for sale is
Nintendo Wii including game Wii sports (£179.00)
Wii Play (a second wii remote plus games) (£34.99)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (£49.99)
Wii Nunchuck (second nunchuk to work with second remote) (£17.99)

Total worth: £282.96

I am selling at retail value as these are still selling for crazy prices on ebay as they are still very difficult to find in the shops...and mine has been barely used.

Send me a message if you are interested.... You won't be disappointed!