Thanks loubyjane. Whats been happening with you? X
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Scrappy week, lots of medical appointments, and still chronically constipated despite being on stuff from Dr to sort it. Gained 1/2lb this week, but no huge surprise considering.
When do you start the New job? What's it going to be about? Xxx
Hi your food diary has been very on plan lately. How's the swimming going? x
Sorry to hear that loubyjane hope you feel a bit better soon. Atleast you know why you gained. Fingers crossed you will loss once you get some relief.
I started the new job last tuesday. I'm a customer service administrator for a stationery company.
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Thanks zappacat i am desperate to get my 2.5 stone award and get out of the 20s for good. Swimming is going well did an hour tonight.
Hows everything going with you?x
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