Hi Mandy! I am well thanks, hope you are too
Here you go
A: Weetabix Muffins
2 weetabix, crushed
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 pot muller light fat free yoghurt, any flavour
2 tablespoons sweetener (splenda works best)
Vanilla extract (or any flavour you like - play around with cinnamon and other spices too)
- preheat oven to 180
- mix everything together - I whisk the eggs first, then add everything but crush the weetabix into the mixture last of all.
- pour into 2 muffin cases or 4 cupcake cases (or even 6 mini cupcake cases)
- bake for 22-25 mins and cool before eating
- these (the whole mix) are syn free if using the weetabix as a Healthy B option
Sometimes I add 5g choc chips for 1.5 syns or 10g of sultanas for 1.5 syns
If you use cupcake cases, spray the inside with a little fry light (buttery) first, otherwise they stick, put the cases into a muffin tray - don't just stand them on a baking tray, the mixture is quite wet and heavy and they will just flatten out.
They keep well until the next day and I would say it improves them and remember to cool them on a wire rack or they can get a bit soggy on their bottoms! I store them on a napkin until I am ready to eat them.
B: I have to say I don't like the "skinny" Cafe Menu cappuccino as much, it definitely needs a lot more mixing and too much grief when you are only saving one syn over the non-skinny version

But I usually empty the sachet into the mug, then pour about a third of the water on and mix that first (don't use just boiled water either, wait 30 seconds after the kettle has boiled) then fill the mug and give another good whisk - that should be better! :fingerscrossed:
I hope that all helps!