Woah can't believe I last posted 3 days ago! I'm slipping back into bad habits I reckon, haven't been able to run as I've been either ill or injured but boy am I looking forward to a run in the morning!
Feeling a bit bloated, haven't weighed since weds reckon I'm well back into the 10's now
I'm really into those mint aero balls at the moment - problem is I can get through a full bag no problem and that's well over 500 calories! Eek!
I'll weigh tomorrow and see the damage. Thing is that I haven't told you - I thought I was pregnant. My period was late and I felt the same as I did when I was pregnant, but sadly not, my period came eventually. So that was front of mind rather than losing weight / staying slim.
Going to enter the half marathon as soon as I get paid - entries have opened now. Thing is that it looks quite serious and the rules state that you can't listen to music! TH do you know if they tend to enforce that? I can't run without music!
Plan is to run for the next two weeks to train for my 10k race on 9th and then I'll start the 30 day shred! Just in time for Xmas
- I'll still try and run a few times a week - need to complete my mileage challenge afterall!
Hope everyone else is ok? Sorry I haven't commented on diaries much recently xx