Samantha <3 said:I just found out yesterday that a tub of candyfloss is only 3 syns! Had a tub last nite and it was so gd!
Sam xx
A chippy bap would b 9-10 due to size of them- I bought one once- weighed it & worked it out and then couldn't bring myself 2 eat it lol
If the pastie has thick batter then u r talking bout 15 syns as the sausage meat alone would be 8/9 & then batter & oil on top of that - but Mmmm that sounds good! Nice fri treat!
I just found out yesterday that a tub of candyfloss is only 3 syns! Had a tub last nite and it was so gd!
Sam xx
Minimadmum said:Well wk 2 weight in and I lost 2lb this weekwhich is good because I was so down over the weekend that I had more or less given up on my diet
i was annoyed at myself because it was my birthday on Friday and I had been very good that day but just gave up on sat and sunday
trying to decide today whether or not to stick with it!
Hellloooooo! So happy to see a Northern Ireland group on here!!
I'm from Belfast but work during the week up in Derry so my SW-self is spread about a bit!!
I'm going to Hakka tonight (new Japanese/Sushi/Noodle bar) on Adelaide Street in Belfast for a friend's birthday. A little anxious as I only lost 1/2lb last week whilst sticking religiously to plan (star week) so hoping for a big loss next week!
Anyone been to Hakka yet? The menu looks amazing but I'm not sure what the best thing to get is. I'm still relatively new to SW, only had my 3rd WI last night - 5lb loss so far
AB x
Never been before - did you enjoy yourself? Noodle bar should have been okay slimming world wise if you were doing extra easy! Don't worry about the loss remember a loss is a loss and slow and steady wins the race!
Tuesday was a very good day for me - stuck to the plan and went to the gym! However Wednesday was not! Went crazy at dinner time then went to the cinema ate loads of popcorn and minstrels - definate comfort eating happening - worried about meeting with my teacher tutor and he didn't even turn up!
Today is a new day! i have to be good becuase I am going out Friday + Saturday night and all day Sunday - there will be drinking involved! Anyone got any tips for a lower calorie drink>?
Good luck everyone
Gin and slims (slimline tonic) all the way! I generally have a drink, then water, then drink so it decreases the amount of alcohol you'll be drinking a little!
Weigh in last night, lost another 1.5lb!! Very happy! I'm not getting any big losses, but I'm consistently losing small amounts, not had any gains or STS yet!
Like you Claire, I have a wedding on 25th June, so I want to be as skinny as minnie as possible by then! I'm hoping I can maybe get another 7lb off by then!!
By the way, Hakka in Belfast is GORGEOUS! There was so much choice and really complimented the SW diet due to lean steak and chicken being used with noodles and lots of veg! I used 7 syns though just in case of oil etc but it might not have even been that much.
Back to the gym tonight after the weekend... wish me luck! W4D1 of C25K!